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you snapped out of your trance to find the girl beside hinata.

"oh, hello, y/n! it's nice to finally meet you. yamaguchi-kun told me all about you!" hitoka said.

"uh- nice to meet you too, hitoka-san!" you replied.

"anyway, you said you wanted to be a manager? come with me then." hitoka gestured her hands, signalling you to come with her, which you complied to.

after what seemed like half an hour, the two of you came back into the gym, to find the usual practice match between three second years on one team, and kageyama, kei and another second year on the other team. the score was still 0-0, you assumed the match hasn't started yet.

"oh, hey! you're back!" hinata said, approaching the two of you, tadashi following behind. you waved at them, while hitoka murmured a "hi".

"so? how'd it go?" tadashi asked.

"y/n's good. (he / she / they) will probably start tomorrow. you good with that, y/n?" hitoka turned to face you.

"oh, sure! i'm just glad i got in." you smiled. hitoka smiled as well, and you felt like melting right there on the spot.

even her smile was sweet, hot damn.

"great. so, yamaguchi-kun, how's the match going?" hitoka then asked your brother, who eyed you before turning to hitoka.

"oh, it hasn't exactly started yet. they only got to position before you and y/n arrived." tadashi explained, while hitoka only nodded.

you wondered why your brother was suddenly staring into your soul only a few moments ago. was there something on your face? you slowly caressed your face with your left hand, only to flinch and retract it.

your face was... kinda hot.

not the beauty kind of hot, but the heat kind of hot.

(yeah, you are hot.)

you wondered what caused the heat in your face. did the sun heat it up? was it the sweaty aura of the gym?

you spared a glance at your brother, hitoka and hinata, who were intently observing the ongoing match while making side comments.

suddenly, you found yourself not paying any mind to the match in front of you, and stared at the other girl beside you.

the way her blonde, neatly tied up hair shone in the sunlight, her left hand gripping the clipboard while the right wrote down on the paper, and damn- even her handwriting was amazing.

all of these about hitoka, especially those chocolate colored eyes that lit up whenever she thought about a strategy for the team, your favorite sweet- heck, your favorite food, even.

you may or may not have been inspired by this girl.


once the match had ended (with the third year's team winning) and practice was called off, you started walking home. tadashi couldn't join you today, since he and the other third years were called to the coach's office, ending in practice being called off.

you kicked a few pebbles while you walked, gripping the handle of your bag tightly while getting lost in your circle of thoughts.

you started to think about the homework the teacher had given the class earlier, and you realized you hadn't exactly talked to anyone in your class yet. the only people you had talked to that day was the members of the volleyball club and tadashi.

then you remembered the earlier moments.

the moments when you got to talk to hitoka.

you felt your face heat up again, so you kicked another pebble harder until it hit a pole.

then, you realized that you passed your house already, so you quickly walked back until you found the house and walked inside.

waiting for your brother, you quickly changed into (whatever you wear to sleep) and plopped down on your bed, staring at the ceiling.

lost in thought, you didn't realize the front door opening and your brother walking in your room.

"hey, y/n?" tadashi called you, sitting on your bedside.

"huh? what is it?"

"i... need to talk to you."

tadashi didn't sound all that stern, you realized, but in a softer tone, the tone where nicer teachers want to talk to you when you screwed up a test.

this wasn't the first time tadashi sounded that way, no. in fact, he was always like this, using a gentle tone whenever he got serious about something. unless it's something big.

sitting up and crossing your legs, you asked, "what is it?"

tadashi sighed before asking.

"do you... do you like hitoka?"


i really said we goin fast 🏃💨

but no sir's, maam's and them's this ain't the end of the story

also i hope this was acceptable for y'all-

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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