Chapter 9: How Many Werewolves is Too Many Werewolves?

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Stiles POV

As much as I am excited that I got the yes from Natalie, I can't stop thinking about Erica. The ambulance brought her to the hospital two hours ago, and no one has heard anything.

I push open the doors to the cafeteria, which is already buzzing from Taco Tuesday. Danny and Jackson are chattering away at the head of the lacrosse table. Allison and Lydia are showing each other something on their phones at another. Natalie and Scott whisper to each other over their trays of food. I'm not looking for any of them though.

Boyd is alone, building his soft taco craftily. I slide in across from him, excited for our transaction. He doesn't even look up.

"Boyd!" I start giddily, then lower my voice, "Do you have the keys?" He reaches in his front pocket and holds them up, the two of them hitting each other lightly. Bingo.

He yanks them away as I go to grab them.

"This isn't a favor, it's a transaction." I slide a twenty over, eager to get my big secret date secured.

"I said fifty," he glances at me.

"Fine," I slap another twenty down.


"Have you seen the piece of crap Jeep I drive?" I moan, thinking of how low on money I am.

"Have you seen the piece of crap bus I ride?" I consider just calling it all off, but think of Natalie's smile when I told her I planned something for us tonight. I toss the last ten on the table. Boyd smiles, placing the keys on the table.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Stilinski," he hums, putting the money in the same front pocket he produced the keys from. I jump up, proudly striding to our trio's regular table. Scott smiles up to me expectantly.

"I got em," I hold a hand out for a high five. Scott cheers and claps in celebration.

"Got what?" Natalie eyes us suspiciously.

"Just be ready at 8pm tonight," I nudge her shoulder, attempting to reach for her last taco. She swats my hand away, scoffing in annoyance.

"What am I supposed to wear?"

"Probably something a little warmer than that," Scott responds, eyes wide and staring over our shoulders.

A blonde is standing, staring down the cafeteria as the doors swing close behind her. Her hips are tightly hugged by a leather skirt that reveals her long legs. Her chest is practically exposed save the low lining of a white tank top. It's almost like you could hear the montage music crescendo-ing behind her.

It's Erica.

Her hair is smooth and curling down her shoulders, bouncing as she walks past the stunned tables. She grabs an apple from one of the frozen boys. She stands at the end of our table, making direct eye contact with me as she bites it. I nervously swallow as she winks. Natalie grabs my thigh tightly, bringing me back to reality.

Erica notices the motion and chuckles, spinning and leaving through the side door. I exchange one look with Scott before scrambling after her.

Natalie catches the door right before it closes, revealing Erica getting in the passenger of Derek's black Camaro. He salutes us, before getting in himself and speeding away.

"First Isaac, now Erica?" Scott breathes, concern growing on his face.

"Can you blame her?" I question. Natalie and Scott shoot shocked expressions at me. "What? She has a condition that controls her life."

Regrets (Season 2, Book 2) Stiles Stilinski, Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now