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It's peculiar, how strong determination can make someone indifferent to any other obstacles in life.

Shikaku ran further and further, feeling the warm sensation of home slowly leaving her. And every stride she took, every move, made her more sure that she wouldn't go back until she found her friend.

She didn't stop for water, she didn't stop to look behind her. All she wanted to do was keep going, further and further, and keep running until she felt that familiar feeling of the mysterious comfort that the Unforeseen Forest bestowed upon her.

Shikaku finally made it. She stumbled, and despite the screaming of her bones to just rest, she did not collapse. Instead, she took a big gulp of water and continued into the woods.

Suddenly, it dawned on her that she did not know where to start. She'd intended to go in the forest, since she'd seen the raven there before, but the Unforeseen Forest was large. It would take a very, very long time for her to find the raven...

But she did not stop walking. She kept walking briskly, carrying a small flashlight. It was very early the next morning- 3:00 AM. Before long, she had appeared where the raven made itself known.

There was nothing there.

Disappointed, Shikaku turned around and started walking in the other direction. But then she sensed something behind her....but she didn't know what.


Shikaku jumped. It was a tabby cat- the same one that had stolen the raven's rabbit. The cat winced, but didn't run away. It looked tired and defeated now, as if apologizing for doing it.

Shikaku recoiled in disgust. "Jeez, YOU have to come here?" she grumbled, turning back to walk forward. The cat mewed in protest, but Shikaku didn't care.


Again, she turned around. The cat looked very sad. It slowly walked toward Shikaku's bag, and tugged at her pouch, as if...

"Oh, okay...I'll give you some of my food." Shikaku tossed what was left of a pheasant on the ground next to the cat. It eagerly gobbled it up.

"Good now? Ok, bye." Shikaku started walking away faster, trying to close the tabby.

The forest grew colder and colder... it seemed that Shikaku was in the exact same position as before: confused and not knowing where to go.


Shikaku cringed, and looked behind her. Sure enough, the tabby cat was there.

"What do you want?!" she asked, annoyed.

The cat tilted its head slightly, and gave another meow. Then, it ran up to Shikaku, and nudged her to the left.


The cat walked forward a few steps, and looked back. It mewled again and started padding away, brown eyes still locked on Shikaku.

"Fine, fine..." Shikaku followed the cat, not because she knew that it wanted her to, but because she didn't have any other leads anyway.

She followed it for hours. Sometimes it would pause and tug at her bag, evidently wanting food. And after a while, Shikaku started calling it Okonai, since it meant "action" in Japanese. He (Shikaku had decided that it was a he) clearly did quite a bit of action, too.

When dawn came, Okonai was so tired that he collapsed and fell asleep. Shikaku was tired too, and set up her small tent with her sleeping bag. She stared at the little cat, just laying there, and picked him up and put him into the warmth of her sleeping bag.

Shikaku and the Raven of the Midnight VoidWhere stories live. Discover now