2 (TW Minor Character Death)

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The days pass and Jeongguk's mother's health worsend. She's spending her days locked in her chamber where she is obviously hiding something.

Jeongguk is curious, it must have something to do with dragons, there is nothing else it would be about as she has dedicated her life to these fascinating creatures.

"Mom!" The prince knocks on her door, trying for minutes to get her to open the damn door or at least to answer. He fears the worst and when his father, who has heard his pleas, stands behind him with some men and asks him to step aside, the assumption becomes a reality.

When they can finally enter the chamber, the queen lies on the floor. A large purple egg right in front of her. Jeongguk had never seen it before, but that doesn't matter at the moment. One of the men declares her death, he is the royal doctor and the queen's closest friend.

"Mom." He kneels down and his father lets him. "So you did what you love to your last breath." Jeongguk sobs, he knows that she loved her human family at least as much, but they could protect themselves, the dragons couldn't. Far too many dangers lurk outside these city walls.

"Son, can you please let the men get to her? We'll all say goodbye to her soon, but first she has to be moved to another room. It's way too warm here." The king tries to stay strong. Even if this marriage started out as an arranged one, over the years they both fell in love. He was the only one who knew about his wife's incurable disease, he also knew that she had endured it longer than it was predicted. She was a fighter. The king agreed to let her work on this one project for as long as possible, it seemed like something very special. He hopes that her last wish will come true, but his son Jeongguk has to agree.

When the men leave the room with the queen, who is now lying on a stretcher and looks like she is sleeping, the king asks Jeongguk to wait for a moment. "Son, I have something to tell you."

The prince nods and sits down on the only chair in the room. "I'll listen to you." His gaze is fixed on the egg, it is surrounded by a strange shimmer.

"Your mother wrote you a letter. It is here in this box. She asked me to give it to you when the time came." His father points to a rainbow colored box and Jeongguk leans forward to pick it up and begins to read it.

"My dear son,

If you are reading this then my body has already given up the fight but my soul will always be with you all. I am so proud of you, you cannot imagine how happy I was when you started to be interested in my work and tamed your first dragon as a little boy. We are both very similar and I was really glad that you never cared about your title and thus made your brother's path as future king easy.

Now I have to move on to something that is very close to my heart. Do you see the purple egg? I am sure that it's very special. There is a possibility that it will never hatch, but if it does, take great care of the hatchling. All I've been able to find out so far is that it's no ordinary dragon. Please research further, add notes to mine, and solve the mystery.

I believe in you my son, I love you with all my heart. We will see each other again, but I hope this won't happen anytime soon.

Love mom 💜"

Jeongguk wipes a tear from his cheek and folds the letter back up. He will grant her last wish and so much more. The shared passion is now all that he still has from her.

The king leaves him alone because he knows that his son wants to start working immediately. He himself has also received a letter and promised not to open it until it's time. The eldest son won't be home until tomorrow, his unopened letter is already on the desk.

The queen had terminal cancer. Unfortunately, it was noticed much too late. She has no regrets in her life, has brought two wonderful sons to this world and had a loving man by her side.

Jeongguk hears the door lock behind him and looks for the book his mother was working on. He finds it hidden under a pile of papers. "Okay mom, speak to me through this book. What did you find out?"

It's very interesting to say the least. The shimmer is not mentioned with a word and his father, who had often seen the eggs, did not mention it either. Can it be that only he can see it? Jeongguk shakes his head, that's bullshit, it's quite possible that his mother has already spoken to his father about it and he was therefore not really surprised.

The young prince spends the rest of the day and all night reading the book. It helps him forget the bad thing he had been mentally preparing himself for recently. However, you can never be fully prepared to lose a loved one. He grieves in his own way. Perhaps at this point it hasn’t really kicked in yet that his mother will never greet him again with her beautiful smile or play with his hair when they are on the sofa watching a movie. It is said that time heals all wounds. It took Jeongguk two whole days to realize that she will never come again. The funeral had opened his eyes and made him not leave his room for three days. He screamed, cried and threw things against the walls.

The king and the servants knew that there was nothing they could do to reassure him, it was Jeongguk's way of dealing with his grief. After these three days he finally left the room with a deep breath. He wiped his eyes and went to lunch like nothing had happened.

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