Chapter Twenty-one

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Since that meeting, the doctor had looked at Bluu in a whole new light. Once or twice, she caught him studying her intently whilst her attention was elsewhere, trying to see behind her eyes, looking for anything that gave her away, bringing up subjects in conversation that might give any kind of clue, without success. 

If she really was a drone, then she was a perfect specimen and ironically, her imperfections made her special, neither stunningly beautiful nor highly intelligent. It was noticeably human how she might laugh uncontrollably, make mistakes or forget things occasionally. Ramona was a wonderful example of a drone, but her perfections gave her away. The knowledge she was not human was reassuring, with Bluu this was impossible to determine. 

He sympathised with Nova; would he have felt the same about Ramona if he actually thought she was organic? If all goes to plan, then Bluu will certainly be a victim. No one knew more than he how painful that would be for Nova. Whether a partner was organic or not they can become woven into your life. He will be as heartbroken as the doctor was right now. Sadly, Nova will never know what his destiny could have been had they chosen to leave history alone. He may well have never known that Bluu was non-organic. The pair would probably have gone into V-world and lived in ignorant bliss forever. However, it did reveal the extra motivation Bluu had for convincing Nova to migrate with her.

The doc appeared unannounced at Vic's, but he wasn't around. Doing so was an unusual practice in Heathen, but Vic had explained this is how it used to be. He called it 'old school' just turn up and hang out. There had been no loce devices or quality communication in the 21st Century. He was making a habit of being off the grid, finding Bluu at his place, she was equally mystified.

"Do you know where he is?" the doctor said casually.

"No, he likes to explore alone, you know that. He goes off-grid and returns when he returns." Bluu was glowing today and increasingly so in recent weeks.

"Don't you think that's strange?" The doc thrust his hands in his pockets, frustrated.

"You would know better than anyone. He is from the Moonage, being offline is natural for him."

"The V-world shows have been incredible," said the doc trying not to show any urgency.

"Yes, he needs his own time to relax. Even though they are V shows, it's been very demanding for him, he is still writing and adding music for the physical show."

"He must have been a huge star in his time, he doesn't talk too much about that," said the doc.

There was a pause; why were they having this inane conversation? They each wanted something. She stood up nervously, he even saw a bead of sweat on her brow. What amazing attention to detail.

Bluu stood quickly. "Would you like a drink, Doctor?" She didn't wait for an answer, walking around the bar and taking a glass from the cupboard. He caught sight of her shapely form under large maroon baggy slacks and an almost transparent yellow patterned top. She had metamorphic features that could display masculinity and beauty at different times, today being the latter.

"Thank you," he said as he stood leaning across the other side of the bar. Bluu poured and slid a glass across towards him. He was conscious of their hands touching for a fraction of a second, perhaps accidentally placing a hand on her glass without picking it up, reflecting his body language. He felt the heat below his collar, wondering could she detect his emotions. Their eyes met and he studied the detail of her skin, imperfect and blemished with an organic beauty. She just had to be organic, and yet the professor claimed to have worked with a very advanced drone without knowing for years. She returned the look, dark eyes and large pupils piercing into him, holding a moment too long.

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