Survival of the Fittest........

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There comes a time in life where you make a decision that decides the road you’ll be taking. The 50% chance of choosing a happy, safe path is promising, but the other half is not. I Melanie Foster, chose the path of fear, pain, and sorrow. Why you might ask, well my answer for you is simple. The path you chose, whether good or bad is not fully known until you are half way down it, and when you finally notice it is too late to turn back.




Survival of the Fittest!” the headline read, “A new way to earn yourself millions of dollars, just by making it out of the game!”


Walking by a small Café that headline caught my attention in the newspaper rack. I could sure use the money; I mean I can’t live off of my part-time job forever if I want to be able to pay my way through University. Grabbing the paper I noticed it did not give me too much info, other then the age bracket and qualifications needed for entering. Being 21 I definitely fit the age qualifications, maybe I could do this…… I like to think I would be good at survival. Not wasting any time, I race back to my apartment building. I am so glad there is a free internet café for residents. Swiftly walking to the computer area I pick a computer hidden from the eyes of nosey nellies. The paper says I could email them in a simple explanation as to why I would want to participate in the game. What the hell do I say? It had to sound mature, and most likely be a very good explanation; this is going to be tough. I sat there for at least 40 minutes thinking, until I came up with the perfect thing to say.


Dear Survival of the Fittest Representatives,

My name is Melanie Foster and I am responding to your advertisement in the paper……..”




It’s been a week since I sent that email, I’m starting to lose hope. Sitting on my couch watching TV the doorbell to my apartment rang catching my attention. Jumping up from the couch I make my way to the door. Upon opening it, I stick my head out looking down the hallway not seeing anyone. Weird I was positive I heard the doorbell ring, about to close the door I trip over a box on the floor. Picking it up I close my door and set the box on the table. There is no address posted on the front making it just a plain rectangular cardboard box. Curiosity overwhelming me I cut the tape encasing it and peer inside. Inside the box was a large but smooth Amethyst stone and an off-white note. Thumbing open the note I begin to read,


Dear Melanie,


You have been chosen to participate in Survival of the Fittest,


I would like to warn you ahead of time that this is no ordinary survival game,


There will be fear, there will be pain, and of course mystery for you to un-solve,


This is the only chance I am giving you to back out, once your final decision is made,


You are to be here immediately; I cannot tell you much of what you will be put into once,


Here but I believe it is only fair to give you a fair warning that it is beyond your,


Imagination, if you decide to back out please return the box to outside your door and,


All will be forgotten if not mentally prepare yourself for what is to come.”


Holy Cow this is intense, they don’t even sign the end of their letters making me wonder if this is just to scare me off. Well I’m a tough girl, and I haven’t been more sure of anything in my life. “Yes” I say aloud, unsure of why I had done it. Not a moment after the word left my mouth the stone in my hand begun to glow causing me to drop it at my feet screaming out when it thumps on my toe. Slowly I begin to lose control of my eyes as they shut closed from the light which has brightened. Feeling a tingly sensation traveling from my toes to my fingertips and finally crawling up my neck I get the sensation that I am falling.


I hear nothing and see nothing, I don’t even understand what is going on I feel so overwhelmed. Soon I begin to regain my hearing and sight. First thing I hear are the sounds of birds cawing in the distance. As my eyes begin to focus I begin to recognize the form of 5 silhouettes in front of me, slowly focusing. Bringing my hands up to my eyes I rub them and blink a couple times trying to regain my sight. When I can finally see again I find myself in a tropical rainforest, this is most certainly not my living room I thought. Soon I make eye contact with 5 bulky men in front of me, all holding guns to my head with dangerous looks in their eyes. Clueing in to what was in front of me I let out a cry of shock.


What have I gotten myself into…..



Hey fellow wattpadders :P

This is the beginning of my second story, I haven’t been able to write any story for a long time and my last one I just lost interest in and felt I could do better with a different genre. So here I am writing something that is going to turn out to a thriller fantasy perhaps, maybe romance haven’t decided yet. It might be short now but that's because i want to see if it will catch anyones attention :)


ANYWAY let me know what you think, if I should keep this going or chuck it in the trashJ thanks!!

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