Survival of the Fittest Ch 2

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Great, I love getting shoved through a forest to God knows where with several guns to my head, 5 to be exact. Absolutely fantastic……NOT, this is right out of a nightmare. I knew the letter warned me of so called “unimaginable” things but I figured the person who wrote it was just trying to syke me out of the game. Oh well I’m a tough girl, no woman actually, and I can handle this, the men aren’t even that scary anyway.

“Get movin kid!” one of the men recited again, just like the countless other times.

I don’t even bother to backtalk anymore, last time I made even a noise they slapped me upside the head, it hurt I will admit. So I just take the rude behavior and keep treading through the brush. Approximately 10 minutes later a large silver building comes into view, and I mean silver because every single thing has a stainless steel look and shine to it,  the sun reflects off of the walls beautifully but giving me an eerie feeling at the same time. There were no windows except for a large greenhouse looking building I could catch a glimpse of through the trees that was attached to it. It reminds me of a laboratory, but even those don’t look as plain. Standing outside the door was a rather tall lanky man, no older then 40, waiting for me I presume. He wore a white trench coat, putting the image of a scientist in my head, I had never been more correct at the time, even though I did not know it.

“Welcome Melanie Foster” the man eyes scan me, sizing me up. Stretching out a hand towards me he introduces himself as “John Goodlock”. Unsure of the polite gesture, I hesitate to shake his hand firmly, as soon as my hand makes contact with his I feel as though he is peering into my soul. With much effort I try to push the feeling away, but it stays until his hand leaves mine. “Wonderful, truly amazing you are Melanie, I understand you are confused but you have just brought me great joy!” about to interrupt him asking why he cuts me off “-shhhhh no time for your questions, you will comprehend everything in a short time I promise. Charlie, Kent please take her to wing 1 for orientation” he announces referring to the men at my sides. Grabbing my elbows they drag me through the large steal doors turning down several different halls before we reach a large white room. In fact everywhere in this place was white; I’m starting to regret my decision of coming here.

Scanning the barren room I counted 6 people around my age sitting in chairs, after being shoved forward I sit in the last available chair beside a petite red head who smiles at me as I sit down. Taking that as a friendly gesture I smile back about to introduce myself to her but am once again interrupted by John Goodlock. “Good afternoon young creatures, I thank you for your patience, but now that our last “contestant” is here I would gladly explain everything that is about to happen to you” he announced with a mischievous grin. “ Now I understand, you all believe you have been accepted to play the so called game SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, where you will win millions in the end correct?” everyone nods their heads in agreement, “well I hate to say but you were lied to!” Confusion hits all faces of the group, especially mine, why the hell are we here if it is not to win money? Everyone begins to whisper and shift in their seats uncomfortably, “Settle down, all your whispering is giving me a headache!” John says grabbing his head. “Please do not make me put a muzzle on you for this behavior.” This is weird, no one had said a word louder then a feather hitting the ground would make. Clasping his hands together he continued, “ I plan on getting straight to the point, you were lied to because I needed subjects for my genetics testing, and I did not want to cause a riot by kidnapping several people and bringing them to my off the grid tropical paradise, and so I brought you young willing people here, no one will be looking for you as they will believe you are on some sort of life experience to win millions, when the truth is that you are here with me as my subjects, isn’t it fantastic and beautifully planned?” he says with an evil passion.

This is so not cool, were going to be tested on like lab rats, over my dead body “that’s it I’m out of here” I announce while standing up. Not a second after I stand up I’m grabbed from behind and strapped into the chair I was previously sitting on. After my cry of shock, I hear several more. Looking around the room each person is being strapped into their chair like a prisoner. Upon struggling I hear John speak, “Stop struggling, the straps get tighter if you do so.” He said matter-of-factly.  Feeling the straps tightening I sit still, gesturing to the straps he says “this is just precautionary, we wouldn’t want you running away and getting lost in the jungle now would we.” Snapping his fingers several men around the room come to stand behind each of us in the chair, “now please relax while we transport you to your new home, you will be sedated just in case there are any mishaps.” He says eyeing me; soon I feel a sharp stab in my neck and then under 30 seconds I’m out like a light.

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