Chapter 1: the drive

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" Timmy its time for lunch! " 

" Okay mom! "I hurried over there because my mom gets mad if i'm late for lunch she says that she thinks anyone could kidnap me and she wouldn't know. 

" So Timmy have you decided if you want to go with grandpa yet? "

 "Not yet. "Well you might want to hurry because he leaves tomorrow evening. "

 "I know but he lives in a forest what am I gonna do without WiFi, internet,and my phone? "

 " You could play outside make some friends its only for a week. "

 "I know but what if I don't make friends? " 

" You will make friends don't worry. "

"Okay I guess I will go. "

" Great! Grandpa will be so happy! "

Time-skip to the next day

" well I guess its time I love you mom! "

" Love you to sweetheart bye! "

" So Grandpa how long will it take to get there? "

" Only a couple of hours. "

" Okay well what do you want to do to pass the time? "

" I don't know why don't you pick. "

" We can tell jokes. "

" okay knock knock. "

" Who's there. " 

" Cactus. "

" Cactus who? "

" Cactus makes perfect. "

" Ha ha ha ha ha! " 

" Good one Grandpa "

" My turn knock knock. "

" who's there. "

" Luke. "

" Luke through the peephole and find out. "

" Ha ha ha ha ha. "

" I think that one was better than mine. "

" Okay Grandpa I'm gonna take a nap. Will you wake me up when we get there? "

" Sure. "

Time-skip a couple hours

" Wake up sleepy head were here. "

" Okay okay i'm up whoa its so beautiful. "

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