Chapter 7: Karmanami Time Part 2

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"And that's basically what happened." Kanzaki concluded. It had been about an hour since she started telling her story. While in the process, the three girls had walked back into the building because it had become unbearably cold for all of them. Despite their status as her best friends, both Akari and Manami had literally just heard about this story. However, their reaction was warm. After hearing what she had gone through, they could only comfort their friend, even if she kept that big of a secret from them for almost four years. The funny part about this, was Sugino never posted anything about having a girlfriend or even talked about it before. Akari and Okuda both wondered whether Nagisa or Karma knew about this, or Sugino had kept it a secret from almost everyone. Kanzaki took a breath. "Wow, it's actually quite refreshing getting that off my chest." She said after. Both Akari and Okuda Smiled. They knew their friend was back to herself and was no longer stressed by the late memories that were brought up. "W-We're glad you're feeling better Kanzaki." After Okuda said that, Kanzaki let out a small chuckle "I'm sorry I never told you guys, you probably still thought Sugino was still after me." Both girls knew that she was right, so they started laughing and telling her that she was spot on with her assumption. After the laughter died down Akari started to grab some information to see how she could better help her friend. "So, how are you doing right now?" she asked. Kanzaki exhaled a deep breath. "As you could probably tell, It's only been a few months. And while I do know that he's taken right now, I decided that I can wait. I don't want to regret putting away my feelings if fate gives me another chance." she said, basically implying that she still believed Sugino could break up with Hikari. Akari and Okuda kept smiling. "T-that's really brave of you Kanzaki." Okuda complimented. "Yea, we're really proud of you for doing that. Although, wishing for other misfortune is kind of out of character for you." Akari added. The nurse returned the sentiment by smiling back. "Thanks guys, although, I really don't deserve that kind of praise coming from you Kayano." With that, Akari's face was back to being that bright shade of red it was always whenever somebody brought up the topic of her and Nagisa. "When are you guys gonna stop that! Can you guys give me even one break!" She yelled. "Cmon Kayano, we all know that you've had feelings for him for over seven years and you've basically done nothing to account for it. Plus, seven years is a long time. If you truly still do care for him, you should just steel yourself and confess." She knew what Kanzaki said was right. Although, she was also really tired of her classmates teasing her every single freaking time they met up. "Karma did say teasing you was really easy. Frankly, I-I can also agree." Okuda said, trying to make fun of her friend. "Wait, what? Okuda why are you in on this!? Argghhh, now I know the entire class is against me!." Akari screamed in frustration. It was pretty much not in Okuda's character to tease people, but after dating Karma for a few months and finding out how easy it was to provoke the brownish black haired girl, she had to admit it was kind of fun. Kayano was basically crying at this point. She'd been basically played with by every single one of her friends in one week, minus Nagisa of course. 'One week left, one week and all this teasing will come to an end.' She thought hopefully. Even Okuda was contributing, which really said something. "Sorry Kayano, if you're uncomfortable we won't bring up this topic anymore." Kanzaki assured. Akari was super desperate so she instantly replied. "Yes I am, please stop." she begged. Both Okuda and Kanzaki laughed at her then decided to end it at that. After making some green tea for everyone, Kanzaki decided to bring up something that was being talked about earlier. "Hey Okuda, you never finished your story about you and Karma." she said. Okuda started sweating profusely. "U-um, sorry about that, I kind of got distracted." Akari then looked at the bespectacled girl with a confused expression. "Wait, I thought you guys were talking about R.H slither blood when I got here?" she asked. "Well we were, but that was sort of a rabbit hole from what we were originally talking about." Kanzaki answered. Akari had already heard about Okuda and Karma's story, but she didn't mind hearing it again. "Ok then, I guess that's fine." she responded. Both girls who were not Okuda looked like the chemist. She looked at them with the typical worried expression that she always had. "Uhhh, I, ummm, I guess I could finish." She stuttered out. "Ok, uh, Kanzaki, where did I leave off?" Okuda asked. "I think you left off at the part where you texted Karma the night after." The nurse responded. "Oh-h, that's right." Okuda cleared her throat before starting up. "Anyways, I was in my room, it was two days after I rejected Karma."

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