Chapter 5: Queen Of The West

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After Riot put his name in the tournament and met the crazy female who apparently is attending the tournament as well, Matt gave him a few notes to watch out for.

"Listen big guy, You go through that entrance and it's hell afterwards. Don't ever look back and don't think about retreating or else you're dead meat my friend." Matt pointed out as he patted on Riot's shoulder.

"You're not contesting in the tournament, So what're you doing here?" Riot asked him in confusion as he looked at Matt.

"To coach you, Dumbass. You think they would let me off the hook that easily by just transporting you like some fucking package?" Matt said before the entrance opened and both of then looked at it.

"Alright, You got this. Beat whoever puts their foot on there." "Which I don't really think you could" Matt told Riot as he walked towards the entrance.

"Microphone noises Alright, It's working now. LAAAAAAAAADIES AND GENTLEMEN! WELCOME TO!"

"B. D. T.!!!" The crowd screamed loudly.

"That's the spirit! Now let's start saying names shall we, Johnny?" The man said to the person beside him who held the papers of the contesters, Passing the papers over to the announcer.

"Okay! The first two contesters on the list arrrree... RRRIIIOT HANDLEEEEEER!" The announcer said as Riot walked out of the entrance and the crowd started shouting his name to encourage him.

"RIOT HANDLER WAS A WORLD WIDE BANK ROBBER AND THIS IS HIS VERY FIRST TIME IN BDT! EVERYONE PLEASE TREAT HIM WITH-" Before the announcer could finish his words the crowd continued his speach.

"RESPECT! LOVE! AND ENCOURAGEMENT!!" The crowd shouted loudly.

"My my, Everyone knows the BDT manners now. Now the second contester is-" The announcer kept scrolling through the page again in confusion "What? No way-" The announcer said quietly.

"WHO THE FUCK IS HE GOING AGAINST YOU BALD FUCK?! SAY THE GODDAMN NAME ALREADY!" Matt shouted while sitting down and watching the tournament from a room for coaches.

"THERE IS NO WAY! RIOT HANDLER, IS HAVING HIS VERY FIRST MATCH AGAINST THE ONE AND ONLY, MALICIOUS, DEADLY QUEEN OF THE WEST, VAAAAANESSA MARTINEZ!!" Right when the announcer said the name the crowd stood up in insane screams of encouragement and they started repeating Vanessa's name.

"Who?" Riot wondered as he looked at the other entrance open up and then to his surprise, The crazy woman from earlier was Vanessa Martinez.

"THIS BITCH-" Matt said as he stood up, Worried that Riot might not be able to take her on since he doesn't even have an ability yet.

"Now since everyone knows the rules-oh wait, The rules change every year. Haha! My bad, Onto the rules! This tournament has two stages, First stage is the qualification stage. In this stage, Death isn't an option! People fight according to the match rules and whoever wins gets qualified to the next match, Whoever loses then it's game over for them. If the winner lost the second match they're also kicked! The second stage is where the fun begins, BLOOD! LOTS OF IT!! Death is a must in the second stage of this tournament. It's In randomized groups and each group gets to fight the other group on a 3v3, One large Battlefield bigger than this one is where the second stage will be held. Oh! Also, Matches are called 'Games' here in case you didn't know." The announcer explained the rules of BDT for the newcomers.

"Now onto the game rules! 1! Contesters are allowed to only choose one weapon out of three that we're going to give them to use in battle. 2! First person to land their head on the ground loses. 3! No killing!" The contester said.

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