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Published on February 18, 2021 at 11:38pm EST. Update: Author's note/mini guide for lines below. (New update @ 9:38am Feb.19: Added "anymore" to third paragraph in second part of story when Suzaku was crying, deleted "a little too" from author's note line 11, that is in this font(bold one).)

"Now...I pronounce you both as husbands, you two may kiss." The priest said before walking away. Suzaku leaned slightly down to kiss his male bride, but Emperor Lelouch turned his head away, feeling shame and something else. Suzaku opened his eyes to stare at the man, "Lelouch..." But the raven haired man shook his head and lifted a hand to gently cup Suzaku's face.

Suzaku frowned when he spot tears streaming down Lelouch's face and that said man still sporting a small smile. "Don't...give me that. I do not deserve it. After all that I have done. All that I said..." Suzaku turned his head to press kisses all over Lelouch's hand. "I don't hate you, Lelouch. I never did. I hated myself and this situation, I then targeted that anger inside me towards you. Yes, the things you did were wrong and near unforgivable. But...I think I understand why. I wish that there is a way. But all you will say is that your the chain around this world and that as long as you're here, it's being held hostage by the 'child of darkness'..." Lelouch soon stopped smiling and looked away, removing the hand from Suzaku's cheek.

"We will soon be dead a day apart. Suzaku Kururugi will be killed from the effects of Zero and war, while Lelouch vi Britannia will be killed by Zero himself. The reason why I can't...take things further with you is because, I don't want to have second thoughts and possibly mess up our mission. But do know that I love you." Suzaku smiled softly and brought Lelouch's head to rest on his shoulder while wrapping his arms securely around him.

He pressed a kiss against the black mop of hair after removing the hat. "Yeah I know...but before I go, I want to kiss you. As my husband. Even if it's for a few hours to a day. Grant me this wish, your majesty, my love. Please. I forgive you for all you have done. Even with...Euphie. Don't hate yourself. Soon, you will be..f-free." Lelouch finally relented when he saw Suzaku already having tears in his eyes as well.

The two moved together in sync and captured each other's lips in a soft, soulful kiss. Lelouch blushed as his husband deepens it slightly, introducing his tongue. Lelouch whimpered and blushed even more as he was being held closer. "It's okay to receive love, Lelouch. I have a feeling that this is as far as we can go. So I will just hold you, like the precious jewel you are." Lelouch gasped and glanced up into those green orbs.

The only logical thing he could do was kiss him again and be held in that manner.

So he did just that.
Suzaku held back a silent sob as he saw the smile on his lover's face quickly vanish into one of shock and pain as he plunges that sword into his lean, skinny body. His free hand immediately caught hold of falling body, just Lelouch used one of his hands to hold him.

"Don't cry my love. Shhh," he started to whisper, "Now, here is what I..I...will say to you. Most of this will be familiar because I have said it to you before...All the hatred in the world is gathered on me, as promised. So, all you have to do is to erase my existence and put an end to this chain of hatred. Which you have done, good job. Ah..(coughs up blood)The Black Knights will have the legend of Zero left behind for..for them. Schneizel will work for Zero. And now the...w-world can be unified table. Not through military force, but through negotiation and talk. Mankind..can finally embrace the future. Geass is truly an evil power if the one who holds it uses it in that way. But it can also give someone a..(coughs) p-push. You will take command of this geass and become Zero. That is your...punishment. I love you." Suzaku couldn't stop crying. He couldn't stop crying as he slowly pulled out the sword from the body.

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