The Future, and Destiny

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Amber Crookshanks opened her eyes slowly, taking in the golden glow around her lashes, the summer sun streaming in through an open window. As she raised her head, she could see a cone of rainbows around her. Every morning, she felt blessed to be a part of it. But this day, she walked over to her window and wrapped her hands around the little crystal figurine that refracted the morning light into such a dazzling show.

"Would you make a contract with me, mortal?" The imperious voice of the Immaculate Princess echoed inside her head, and Amber smiled confidently. She was more confident now, not the unpredictable dreamer she'd been when young. Now she was focused, above average in her studies, and just about fit enough to take part in college sports, if not to win. She wasn't the same man she'd been thirty thousand years ago, either. Lifetimes of experience had let her grow, again and again. She still didn't know who she was going to be this time around, though she had a few ambitions to choose from.

"Not today, Amma," she answered after some thought. She always considered the proposal. It was what Madir had planned, when he said he loved the Princess. The two of them sharing one body. It was romantic, but to Amber it just didn't seem right.

"One of these days, I'm going to offer and someone else's voice will answer."

"I know. I'm mortal. But even when I die, I'll be born again."

"Until we can be together forever. Until destiny considers it real, somehow. But I think for me, this is close enough. Have you heard from Robin?"

"He was on the news. Some model says she thinks he's gay because he turned her down. I know wealth's supposed to be an aphrodisiac, but..."

"Yes, that seems a little too much," the rainbow on the wall flickered slightly as Ammadrine's laughter made the totem doll vibrate. "I don't think he's into women, though. Or men. Or anything except creating a world where everyone does as he says."

"When you put it like that, I can see why he went to Hollywood. I heard from Belmadir too, by the way."


"He's coping. Carving out a place for himself in the sciences. Still so much anger, he can't accept that he's only got his own powers. But he's doing his best to recreate the crystal computers, and he's turned that into a pretty decent career. Violet says he's being useful to society, if only because he doesn't have a better option. Hoping he's not the next to join her."

"I suspect he will be though. Have you found Gethrase and Irvetrani yet?"

"No. You could tell me where they are, you know?"

"Not until they're old enough. They've got a good life now, they can enjoy their childhoods until they're old enough to understand about the Empire. You'll find them when you need to."

Amber nodded. There wasn't much new to say, there rarely was. Sitting between the worlds of the living and the dead, Ammadrine had nobody else to talk to, and no news of her own except her watch on the recently incarnated spirits. But talking like this always made Amber happier about the day ahead. One of these days, she might meet someone who'd let Ammadrine share their body forever. Or she might choose to attempt it herself. But for now, a few words, and the sun-warmed crystal in her hand, were all she needed.

The future looked bright.

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