Chapter 1

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Many people's most treasured memories were their first kiss, or perhaps their parents wedding. Maybe even just a day at the beach with their friends, swimming at the pier and nearly emptying the ice cream van of all their Flake 99's.

But Matt's was more simple, and quite odd for a memory that was so dear to someone's heart. His was when James, his best friend, had asked him to move into a small flat in a tiny village with him.
"We can split the rent between us, of course. And it'll probably be a little cramped but i'm sure that will be okay!" James had said, excitement obvious in his voice. Matt obviously said yes, not only could he not resist that child-like excitement from his best mate, but Matt hoped them living together could blossom their relationship.

However, there Matt stood on a sunny Tuesday evening in the entryway to the flat, holding the first box with his belongings that had to be brought up, staring. Staring at James kissing a red-headed girl who was wearing a long, black tweed coat that was far too large for her. Matt nearly dropped the cardboard box out of surprise, never once had this girl been mentioned nor had Matt met her. Surely she wasn't his girlfriend? Matt thought, yet shook it away. James wouldn't have the tongue down the throat of a random woman, well he would maybe at a night club, but not in his new flat.

Awkwardly, Matt cleared his throat which caught the supposed couple's attention. James turned around to face Matt in surprise, as did the red-headed girl however her hair now matched the dark flush on her cheeks.
"Oh, hello. I'm Shannon, i don't believe we have met yet. You must be Matt, James talks about you all the time! Nice to finally meet you." the red-head said, who was now Shannon. "I'm James' girlfriend and i'll be rooming with you too. Well, i'll share a room with James." the girl continued, obviously trying to fill the silence in the room. Matt felt slight anger and jealousy bubble in his gut, not only had James failed to mention that they would be sharing with someone else, he also never mentioned a girlfriend. Sure, James didn't have to tell Matt everything, but a heads up would have been nice.

"Nice to meet you too... James never mentioned you, though. I thought it was just him and i rooming together. But, the more the merrier i suppose." Matt said in a gruff voice, trying to hide his distaste for Shannon. He tried to suppress it though, judging a woman simply because she had gotten to James first was going against his Liberal views on not hating women. Though it was proving difficult, because at that minute he wanted nothing more to rip the tweed coat he now recognised at James' off of her and smog James into oblivion. Right in front of her. Though, Matt made no further comment and didn't stay to hear what she had to say either. Instead, he went further into the flat and located the largest room.

Luckily for him it was vacant, so he placed his first box down in the centre of the room and quickly made his move back into the entryway and down the stairs to collect his other belongings. Shannon and James were no longer standing there, and not were they snogging, much to Matt's appreciation.

Once Matt had brought up the final box, he stayed in his room for the majority of the night, building furniture and sorting out his drawers. He even cleaned the room thoroughly with more than one general cleaning product. His mother would be proud of the cleaning, though Matt wondered if she would laugh at him for the reason of his manic cleaning. The brunette was avoiding the 'new' couple like the plague, it had dawned on him three hours into building bedroom furniture that his display earlier was quite embarrassing and not the best way to greet his new roommate. By around eleven o'clock at night Matt decided he had done enough for that day and grabbed everything he needed for a shower before heading out his room for the first time in hours.

Matt didn't bother knocking on the door first, James was usually asleep by ten o'clock if he had no plans for going clubbing, and Matt had heard Shannon say earlier that she was going for a shower. The flat had thin walls, and Matt sarcastically thanked God that at some point he would probably hear James and Shannon fucking. So, when Matt opened the door he was surprised to see James standing in a white towel that hung off his hips, showcasing his v-line and abs in a way that made Matt semi-hard from the sight. He was looking in the small mirror, shaving stubble of his face. James' hair was damp and he kept pushing it back with his hands as it fell in his eyes. After a solid three seconds of staring, Matt realised he was most likely being creepy,
"Ah! Shit! Sorry, i didn't think anyone was in here. I'll shower tomorrow, night..." Matt rushed out, quickly slamming the door before James could turn around to see him.

Matt seemed to have developed a habit of cutting people's responses off in the few hours he had been in this flat. Although the two times he had cut people off were for good reason, the first was to save himself from practically abusing James' mouth in front of his girlfriend, and the second was to stop James seeing his obvious boner in the tight, grey trousers Matt was wearing. When Matt got into his bedroom, he quickly placed his shower caddy down and flopped down on his bed.

Matt was practically begging the God's above to settle down his boner, these thin walls would do no justice for him. And Matt assumed he had left those days behind of wanking over his best mate, clearly not. Obviously Matt was still utterly in love with James, yet he had putt wanking over him off the table, it felt wrong to jack off over his friend at night and then meet up for drinks the next day. James would always stare at him too, he looked like he knew the effect he had in Matt and knew he wanked over James the previous night. Clearly that idea was preposterous, James couldn't read minds nor sense who had came to the thought of his hands and mouth. Yet, it still played on Matt's mind when he would sip his beer, and catch James staring at  him going through the simple process of drinking out the corner of his eye.

James would watch Matt pick up the pint glass, stare as he brought the beverage to his lips and took a swig. He would watch as Matt's neck bobbed as he swallowed the drink. Matt would always get slightly turned on from the fact James stared at him with such fascination when all he did was simply drink.
However, little did Matt realise is that James would go home and wank over the thought of having those lips around his cock, could only dream of how Matt's throat would bob as James fucked his face until he came.

Matt came, quickly cleaning himself up with a few tissues and throwing them in the small, plastic bin in the corner of his room. "There went my New Year Resolution." Matt sighed to himself, standing up to put on his pyjamas. He dreaded to think of what would happen tomorrow, not only with Shannon but with James. From the way James acted as if he knew Matt's dirty little secret, to how James had most likely heard the panic in Matt's voice, mixed with arousal, when he had burst into the bathroom earlier.

Matt rubbed a hand over his face as he got under the covers, begging sleep to come and never end. He didn't want to have to face the happy couple tomorrow, or really, ever.

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