✰ dancing in the rain

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no one's pov*

a groan left jennie's lips cause g jimin to crown and slightly pull away, yet she's still in his arms.

"what's wrong baby?"

"I still have to make breakfast" jennie mumbled irritatedly, face planted on his chest.

"its okay jen, we can stay here for hours or a whole day if you want"

gently slapping his chest, she removed her face from it with a grin.

"hehe really?"

"hehe..no. we're going to starve"

"you have a point, okay a few hours it is then — HEY!"

jennie squealed as jimin scooted both of his arm on her back before sitting up — causing her to to land on his lap. giggles erupted from both of them before jimin moves his face closer to hers — both of their nose touching.

as he was about to jennie, she quickly rejected, putting her palms on her mouth. knowing the meaning, jimin nodded before laying his head on the headboard.

tracing imaginary shapes in his chest, him playing with the strands of jennie's hair, and the faint sounds of raindrops making the room perfect. if it's possible for something to be perfect.

"hm..i think i'm going to cook breakfast now. any particular dish in mind?"

"hmm...anything would be find"

"okay" putting her finger down from jimin's chest, jennie squished his cheeks in a not-so-painful manner.

yet, jimin still groaned while pouting, pretending to not like the gesture. she know jimin too much. a breathy chuckle escaped jennie's lips and finally stood up from jimin's lap.

as she stood up, she grabbed her hair tie from the table in the side of the bed. tying her hair, she felt a pair of eyes stare at her making jennie turn her head to jimin's direction, hands still gripping her hair.

"hey sexy" teasingly, jimin winked at jennie making her giggled. decided to play along, she winked at him still tying her hair.

"hi sexiest" looking at another direction, she bursted her laugh that she have been holding after finally tying her hair.

she squealed as a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around her waist. turning her around, jimin twirled her for her to face him, his face with a teasing smirk.

"um..I need to cook"

"do I make you nervous?" cockily tilting his head to the side, a nervous chuckle left jennie's mouth.

"u-uh no sir"

"sir?" raising his left eyebrow, he stared at her in amusement as her face started to hear up. jennie tried to wiggle out of his grip, but luck isn't your side, not today. he tighten his hold on her waist, yet not in a way she would wince in pain.

"okay ma'am whatever you say, now cook breakfast"

he patted jennie's head as if she's a dog before heading to the bathroom, leaving her dumbfounded.

- 10:20 a.m

jennie plopped her body in the couch, arms instantly wrapped around her hips as jimin pecked her softly on the neck. snuggling deeply into his arms, she decided to sit on jimin's lap, facing him.

"i thought you want to watch Netflix?" jimin softly giggled.

"uhm actually" jennie bitting her lips, she nervously fiddled with her fingers, not daring to look into jimin's eyes.

"what is it love? you know you can tell me anything" slightly getting worried, jimin formed a frown on his face before raising jennie's chin slowly with his fingers. not wanting to get him worried, she decided to just tell him, full of hesitation on her voice.

"c-can we dance in the rain?"

jimin pouted making her tilt her head to the side in confusion.

"you ruin my plan" "plan?" "well..uhm I was planning to dance with you in the rain today but I'm not very sure if you'll like the idea"

he gently lifted his face to stare at jennie's eyes hesitantly.

dang it she's falling deeper in love with him

"you're making me fall in love with you deeper" "am I really?" "yes"

pursing her lips, she's mentally debating with herself if she should kiss him or not. quickly, she pressed her lips with his kissing him quickly, catching him off guard. pulling away, jennie hid her face in her palms, slightly embarrassed with her flushed face.

jimin forcefully separated her palms from her face before colliding his lips on hers. kissing her deeply, he poured all of his emotions as she did the same.

pulang out, both of them breathless, panting heavily before staring at each other back again and started to laugh.

"let's do it now" "do what?"

"oh did that kiss made you have amnesia miss?"

flustered, jennie looked down trying to hold her smile.

"don't be shy beautiful" jimin pecked her forehead before carrying her up, still in his waist.

"jimin! put me down!" playfully jennie punching his chests, jimin just continued carrying her, heading towards the door.
opening the door, the rain isn't as heavy which is very fortunate for the both of them.

"can you put me down now?" "okay okay"

slightly crouching down, jimin slowly let go of her as her shoes come in contact with the floor.

"let's go"

grabbing her soulmate's hand, excitedly pulled him outside, the rain slowly drenching the both of her. the road has no vehicles around so jennie decided to slowly walk with jimin in the middle of the road. stopping, jennie faced jimin with a grin on her face and a smile on jimin's lips.

"may I?"

"you may" placing her hands in his, he slowly twirled her, stopping with her back pressed against his, fingers intertwined.

jimin slowly swayed left and right with jennie in his arms, a noticeable smile on his face.

"I love you jen"

"I love you too chim"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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