chapter 1

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Dan and Phil had been best friends since the age of 2 , they have been friends for 10 years now and they thought nothing would stop them for being friends but phil did not know what his mum was planning.

"Come on Dan lets play pirates." A little phil shouted to a little Dan.
"Okay Phil. I'll be pirate and you will be Indian. " a little Dan told Phil. Phil may have been a year older than Dan but Phil always did as Dan said.
"Okay. You'll never catch me alive. " Phil began the game. He was running away from Dan.
"I will me hearty, I always catch me some Indians. " Dan acted as he started to try and catch Phil.

The game went in for hours until
"Phil home time now. " Phil heard his mum shout. He looked up at Dan and smiles saying "see you tomorrow. Unknown on what was happening tonight.
"See you tomorrow." Dan said. They both hugged and walked back home. Happy that they would see each other tomorrow.

But sadly they never did. Phil moves that night because his parents had just split up. He beer said goodbye to Dan and he has regretted that.

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