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It was Ryan's turn to spend the night, and did he ever accept the offer to sleep in the same bed as Kyler, in fact he almost jumped at the idea

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It was Ryan's turn to spend the night, and did he ever accept the offer to sleep in the same bed as Kyler, in fact he almost jumped at the idea.

"Yes, I would gladly like too, it's only fair, I did bring back your phone" Ryan argued while fluffing the pillow behind him, barely glimpsing to look at Kylers redden face "you can't, it's my bed" he argued back holding a different pillow only special to him.

"Kyler, Strawberry you don't have a decision in this" Ryan said with the false endearment finally giving up with fluffing the pillow and rested his head back against, waiting for another retort of words to exit Kylers mouth "well excuse me if this is my room, let alone my house" his hands waves wildly as he raised his voice a little, putting on knee up on the mattress, heaving with every word.

Rolling his eyes at the loud volume, he allowed Kyler to move closer and visibly start screaming "I am convinced you never graduated kindergarten like me, because you don't listen to shīt" Ryan took a steady breath before his pointer finger and thumb grabbed Kylers chin, holding it tightly in place and pushed his face right in front "yell at me again, and I'll give you something else to scream about" Ryan released the bruising grip and fell back on the bed.

Before either could spring and attack the other, Kyler phone rang and he took the opportunity to escape the thick tension and press enter. He wasnt far away from the bed, and just as the caller said 'hi' Ryan's hands pulled him back towards the bed gently, making sure he didn't stumble.

"Hey Mellani" Kyler replied and let his knees buckle as the hit the side of the bed, slowly relaxing and laying down on his back, top and tailing Ryan who look interested in the conversation. A loud crackling noise came from the other side of the phone before a loud grumble that came from a chest "okay so, everyone loved the photos of Mr.Valerias right" she shouted eagerly, Kyler winced dramatically before urging her to continue "well, I also have some bad news" her voice dropped a few octaves as Ryan's hand which had previously lain on his upper stomach followed, dropping down to just below his stomach.

"Y-yeah, what is it" Kyler cleared his throat and tried to maneuver his free hand to push away Ryan's, finding it trapped right next to his outer thigh "I might have got you suspended for drawing it" it was silent but both Kyler and Ryan heard it, their heads snapping up only one filling with pure horror the other pure amusement. Ryan grabbed the phone and hung up, not caring what Mellani was going to use to apologize over and over and pulled Kyler forward, splaying his legs around Ryan's waist.

He hadn't even done anything but Kyler pressed himself into the mattress, wanting to play damsel in distress to get out of this situation only to start whining at the feel of no touching "Ryan I uhh, just don't mess with me" Kyler swallowed while his body showed signs of nervousness like his obvious lack of meeting Ryan's eyes and his shaky hand balled at his stomach "sorry Strawberry, it's just that your so fun to mess with" Ryan said with a glass pout flying across his lips.

He got mad, not enough to throw a much needed punch but just enough for Kyler to gather enough energy and flip himself on top of Ryan, his teeth slightly bared in anger. A slight panic lasted on Ryan's face for a second before it fell back to neutral "hmm, why are you looking at me like that" Kylers voice was rough and hoarse and he pressed his two palms down against Ryan's chest holding him while he struggled to gain back control "you aren't looking to hot Ryan" he teased while looking at the rapidly paling face.

Ryan wasn't used to not being in control, let alone not being able to fight the person who was on top of him holding him down with just his hands "okay, proved your point" he said his voice still normal and steady like always but his mind nothing of the sorts. Kyler hummed in response, his fingers barely scrapping along the shirt covered chest as they were following their destination down to Ryan's pants.

The ability's that Ryan had used to pleasure Kyler had somehow been possessed into him because he glanced up at the horror filled face, all while yanking down the pants and gently palming Ryan's dick. Kylers arm was the only thing holding him down, and even for a scrawny male, Ryan couldn't fight against it, he could only focus on the other grip Kyler had on him.

Kylers head reached forward and fell onto Ryan's forehead, their eyes meeting while his hand slid into Ryan's boxers feeling the veins slowly pumping with blood as it rushed down from his eyes "I want you to feel completely useless, or maybe a mess like you treat me, all while I watch" it was a threat as Kyler brushed a piece of hair out of Ryan's eyes gazing into the fidgety green. His fingers gently rubbed the top of Ryan's dick spreading the pre-cūm onto his hand and bringing his lips down to attach them to Ryan's, both of their eyes still staring into the others.

Ryan's head lurched back, breaking the kiss as Kyler let out a squeeze, moving his hand up and down at a fast but even pace, his head bend down to Ryan's neck as he began kissing at it every time he would give Ryan's cock a full stroke.

A stream of white flowed out of the top of his dick and coating Kylers hand and a few spots on his blanket, Ryan barely noticing only doing the best of his ability to avoid the look in Kylers eyes.

"Your face is cute" he commented and then jumped off the bed, walking away to grab his discarded towel using to to clean of his hands before retreating in his footsteps, turning out the light as he went. Kyler grabbed the bottoms of a still shaken Ryan and pulled them up along with his boxers covering him up and placing a pillow behind both their head, laying down. Ryan still dazed reached over and pulled Kyler close so that Kylers head rested gently on his clothed chest "how did that feel" he asked gently, playing with the ends of the shirt.

Ryan was at a loss for words, sure he has had sex before, but nothing like that. He's never even liked guys, let alone let one jerk him off "ahem" was his only reply "if you don't want to talk about what happened it's fine" Kyler said gently, gentler then he had with any of their conversations "but I can feel you blushing, even with the total blackness" and the nice aura was broken.

The top of Kylers hair tickled Ryan's neck as he softened with the feel, both of their breathing was evening out, and even in the total darkness he could envision Kylers sleepy face "your cute when you are half asleep" he mumbled out before following along into the string of a restful sleep.

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