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Have you ever thought about being taken away from all the people you love, by someone you don't know but seems to know you really well? Neither did Ella. Ella swan is your average normal girl with a normal life, friends, good grades and a boyfriend she loves dearly. She is kidnapped by the one and only Harry Styles who will sell her to be a sex slave. Harry is not like all the other people that work for Richard he doesn't want to do it but the boss being his farther harry is made to keep the family business going. Richard won't hesitate to take down Harry if he is a threat to his business. Harry knows that when Richard took down his mom. Harry is waiting for the right day to take down his dad and save all the other girls that are there. To be sold!

From the beginning it has always been my fault. I'll spare you every detail of my poor pathetic life, how i was a disaster from the start. on the 26th November 1998 my dad was on the way to the hospital as my mom had gone into labor with me, all was well until the car swerved on the icy road as the car tried to gain speed. My dad tried to control it but it was to late! we collided with a truck and was knocked of the road, my dad dying at the scene. tragic right?

well there's more they took my mom to hospital where they attempted to save her life and mine, but when is anything ever smooth sailing. my mom lost so much blood there was nothing the doctors could do. Apart from deliver me.

So i was born an orphan, or should i say murderer after killing both my parents to be brought in to this world. for what might you ask, well that's the problem i have nothing to give i am a waste of space. using precious air that could be for someone else. invading the family that adopted me. that's why Jake and Freya hate me because i'm not part of their family. the truth is i don't expect them to accept me as their sister why should they?

If all that isn't enough for you lets move on to my school life. don't even know why i call it life as it is hell. literally i'm an outcast. bullied shoved and pushed around. I've had my clothes stolen in PE, locked in the girls bathroom, my head shoved in the toilets and once i was even pushed down a flight of stairs. In hospital for a week and left with a broken arm and four cracked ribs but did that stop them bulling me.


I have no friends, i did have, but the universe wasn't on my side as Skyler was taken away from me with a brain tumor that claimed her life. and in that moment i was done i had no more fight left in me to carry on. i couldn't conceal what i felt inside any longer.

On the 29th September 2014 i tried to commit suicide and failed just like i do in everything. No one cared that i had attempted this, in fact i think they were angry that i couldn't get it right. well i was too.

I'm just an open book. half read waiting to know my ending, one thing i know for sure.

This book is no fairy tale, and i am no princess waiting for my prince.

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