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When I woke up I could see that papa was very upset so I asked what is wrong and he said rocky is gone and I said well then let's get on horses and look I'll call savanh and he said ok so I called her and she is coming so I went and got gasoline gasoline is the black horse and I got fire fire is the red horse and I put saddles on them and saddel bags and put rockys saddle in gasolines and so papa came out and got on fire and savannah arived and got on the back on gasoline with me so we looked and looked and finally it was nighttime when we were all tired and I called savannah mother if she could spend the week with me and she said yes and we hung up so I told papa and savannah I guess we are camping so I made a camp fire and we set up the tents and tied the horses up to a tree but sadly no rocky

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