An cold Entrance

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A/N Picture above isn't made by me, it's made by Greencosmos80. The story begins when Jayden leaves and Lauren became the leader but I will write my own plot. By the way Nash is an Speedster and he also has ice powers, also the greek god that I mention is made up. Anyways lets start

Mike POV

I was sitting in my room, looking at an old picture. On it there were 2 people, me and my one year older brother Nash, well technically seen he is my half-brother, but we Mom doesn't tell my who his father and he vanished 12 Years ago without a Trace. At least my Life can't get worse, because Jayden left and his sister Lauren took over the position as leader and red ranger and she is like training, training, training. Then the Alarm went off. There was a Nighlock in the Park.

Scene Change to an unknown Place

3rd Person POV

There were two people standing across each other.

There were two people standing across each other

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"Your training is finished young one, you learned to use your powers", the old man told the younger one

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"Your training is finished young one, you learned to use your powers", the old man told the younger one. The old one opened his hand and a Sword apeared in his hand.

 The old one opened his hand and a Sword apeared in his hand

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(Credits to the name in the picture)

"Young Student this is the Blue Rose Sword, you will need this to save him", the old one says as he hands the younger one the sword. Then an blinding light shines.

Back to the River 

Mike POV 

This Monster is strange, because our weapons can't hurt it, they go through it like it isn't here and it doesn't look like a Nighlock it remebers me of an drawing in an school book.

This Monster is strange, because our weapons can't hurt it, they go through it like it isn't here and it doesn't look like a Nighlock it remebers me of an drawing in an school book

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(Imagine him with an axe)

That "Something" roared and slashed us, which sends us flying and when we hit the Ground, we got demorphed. He was about to attack us again, which would have killed us. But the air got frezzing cold and then the ground and the beast was frezzed in an ice block. When we turned around to see who that did, I was schooked, it was my long lost brother Nash, with an sword that looked like it was made out of ice. "Brother?", I said weak, which suprised the ranger, but I saw Lauren checking Nash out? He looked towards me and nooded, then he said: "It's been a long time" Then this thing broke free and roared. My brother said to the monster: "Long time no see bull head, did you miss me?" Then it clicked it was the minotaur, but thats impossible isn't it? When the Minotaur saw him, he got angry and charged at him. Nash stabbed his sword in the ground and took out a Samurizer. He drew the symbol of ice and said: "Go Go Samurai of the Ice" Then he morphed into the white Ranger, he summoned the Samurai sword and grabbed the other Sword, then he charged too. They rushed past each other, but the Minotaur got slashes in shape of two X, he then became ash. 

Scene Change

Nash POV

After I beat the Minotaur, the Rangers forced me to come with then. On the way back I could feel two people watching me, it was Mike and some blond girl that was the red ranger, but I think she was checking me out. When we got to the Shiba house, I realized it took me much of my Powers to came here and when I frezzed the Minotaur it took me much of my ice powers too. I knew that I would pass out soon, so i leanded on the next person and everything got black. I woke up and was in an room on a bed, I looked out of the window, to see it's night time. I heard someone snozzing turned around and saw my half-brother asleep in a chair. I got up and searched for the Kitchen. Thanks to being a Speedster, I have metabolism, which means I have to eat alot. When I found it, I stepped and saw three girls talking. I tried to sneak out, to not get attention, but the girl in yellow, who I guess is the yellow ranger noticed me and said: "You're up" Then the girl in pink and the girl in red turned to me. I silently cursed the yellow girl. I was about to say something, but my stormach grumbelt loudly. When the yellow girl heard that she made me, a bowl of cereals. "Thanks", I said when she gave the bowl to me. "No Problem, oh and I'm Emily, the girl in pink is Mia and the red one is Lauren ", she said. I began eating, but Lauren looked at me. "What?", I asked her. "Where did you get the Samurizer and this freaking ice cold sword and how can you wield it?", she asked confused. "I got from my Teacher and it's not that cold for me", I answered calm. Then the other Rangers came in. Then I said: "I think it's time to give you Rangers an Explanation"

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