It's You {P2}

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•Marinette: „Cat Noir?“
•Cat Noir: „ Hello“.
•Marinette: „What are you doing here?“
•Cat Noir: „I was passing by and saw you standing all alone in the rain. Are you heading home?“
•Marinette: „Yes I am, but it won´t stop raining. Guess I´ll turn into a little duck.“

Cat Noir looks at her. He extends his hand and offers her his umbrella.
•Cat Noir: „Take it“.
•Marinette: „No, I can´t, it´s yours.“
•Cat Noir: „It´s fine you can have it.“
•Marinette: „What about you?“
•Cat Noir: „Don´t worry about me.“ His hand still offering the umbrella. Marinette looks him deeply in the eyes. She isn´t able to move. This...seems to remind her
of something. It´s like she has a deja vu. She gasps. It can´t be. No, she has
mistaken something. But still, what if Cat Noir, is Adrien?
•Cat Noir: „You´re ok?“ Marinette snaps out of her day dreaming.
•Marinette: (hesitates) „Yes, I am fine.“ She takes the umbrella.
•Marinette: „Thank you“
•Cat Noir: „You´re welcome“, he says and leaves Marinette with her thoughts.
•Marinette: (skeptical) What if...?

At Marinette´s house...

Marinette walks into her room. She leaves her school bag on the floor and she lays in bed. Next to her bed is a box where she keeps some stuff. She unlocks it and pulls out a smaller box in which she has some photos of Adrien inside, which she took out of her wall, but couldn´t throw away.
•Marinette: (afraid, unsure) „This is a disaster. What if Adrien is really Cat Noir?“

Tikki floats next to her without saying anything. She just stares at Marinette. Tikki knows that Adrien is Cat Noir, but isn´t allowed to say anything to her.
•Marinette: „If he´s Cat Noir, that changes everything. He was always there for me and I was stupid enough to reject him. All this time, he was there, supporting me,
protecting me...saving me, he was right under my nose. How didn´t I see it? Tikki, please tell me. Is he Adrien?“
•Tikki: „Marinette, even if I knew something you know we Kwamis aren´t allowed to say anything in order to protect you. You know that right?“
•Marinette: „Yes, I know.“ She looks at the photo of Adrien she has in her hands.
•Marinette: „Ahh, this is so confusing. What am I suppose to do? I have to know.“

She stands up and starts going from left to right.
•Tikki: „The only advise I can give you is to follow your heart. If you want to know the truth just ask him.“
•Marinette: (suprised) „You think I should ask him?“
•Tikki: „If that´s what your heart tells you. If that´s what you think feels right, do it.
But of course every action, has its consequences.“
Marinette takes Tikki´s advise and does what her heart tells her to do. She will ask him for the truth.
•Marinette: „Tikki, spots on.“ Tikki flies into her earrings. She transform into Ladybug. She takes out her bugphone and calls Cat Noir.

•Ladybug: „Hopefully he picks up.“

Meanwhile on a random rooftop in Paris...

Cat Noir is sitting on a random rooftop in Paris. It´s a very warm and beautiful night. He watches the cars passing by, people taking night walks with their loved ones and the Eiffel Tower looking at it´s best with all the beautiful lights that light the whole Paris. As he is lost in his thoughts, his catphone rings. It´s a call from Ladybug.

•Cat Noir: „Ladybug.It hasn´t been a day where you last saw me. Missing me already?“
•Ladybug: „Where are you Cat Noir?“
•Cat Noir: „I´m outside.Why? Has something happened?“
•Ladybug: „Not over the phone. Please meet me at our spot. We have to talk.“
•Cat Noir: „Sure thing. I´ll be there.“ They both hang up.
•Ladybug: (takes a deep breath) It´s time for the truth.“ She takes her magical yoyo out and makes her way to meet Cat Noir...or rather say Adrien. After a few minutes
she arrives at their spot. Another random rooftop. But this one is kind of special for them. At this rooftop Cat Noir planed a romantic date for both of them, even tho Ladybug told him she doesn´t see him in a romantic way. But this has changed.
Ladybug is ready to face the truth. If he´s Adrien, she will tell him about her feelings for him. Tonight.There is no use of her keep hiding the truth to herself.
But the question is: Will she do it or not?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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