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" In guidance I for the One I know must provide the answer or it is of a source I need to seek atonement in an answering wisdom that I do not yet possess.

However, I am to possess this knowledge without breaking Natural Order and or Law in doing so.

Therefore my resolution is the devin constructional rights of existence to persist without captivating a curiosity at the cost of the masses and an annihilation of our fragile habitat. In an oversight as the will of an ego, in a greed systemic and desolence of faith, belief and loyalty to code in Honour of those who choose the life and live it by name. "

The ANSWER being this time and always in Truth is the True Word of those Prophetic and not the profit at all cost.

To identify the enemy is to know what may not fit within and execute or isolate the one you have not identified, reminding one to not harm themselves in the process.

An indication of a peaceful idea that should not be given value of a profitable economic structure. Yet a Roar in time, scripted in ink or Digitally uncompromisable so precise as a Do Not Enter sign on the Door of the Atomic Vault that lies in a volatile state and kettle un form of collapse upon the very touch of the hand that tries to pour the tea in the victory of our next great finding to the unattainable answers that we kill for as a nieve kin and false leadership in the words of our very kinds ordinal lights.

By Rule of the Base Root and Informational Constant Equation of the TOKAMEDI.

By Adam F Davidson, June 25, 2019-10:10

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