🌙 Chapter 12: Pictures 🌙

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~~~~~~~~~Liam's POV~~~~~~~~~

It had been around a month since I moved in with Ryan, and to tell you the truth, I didn't regret the decision by one bit.

Though it was a b it unexpected, Venom and JD actually got along pretty well. By that, I mean Venom hadn't bit him or anything, thankfully. Ryan would always flinch back whenever JD tried to be friendly, but he never said anything about it.

I slept on the couch, I didn't mind it, it was really comfortable, and in front of the fireplace so I was always warm.

The only big problem was that Marnie started calling and texting me nonstop. After about a week of my phone blowing up, even after I had blocked her, Ryan ended up buying me a new phone, and so far she hadn't called that one.

It still surprises me that she hasn't thought of checking the club, she's not that stupid..

Or maybe Ryan has just scared her away beforehand? I wouldn't be surprised, he is good at keeping others away.


If that were the case, I wouldn't have stayed.

I know I said I would've stayed until I could afford my own place, but Marnie already took the charge of stealing every penny I had, so that has been more than difficult.. 

Ryan offered to give me at least a few hundreds, but I'd feel bad if I got it without working for it, so I declined the offer. He was already letting me stay here rent free, I couldn't just ask for more.

My last option was moving back in with my parents, and as more time went on, that option seemed to be the best one for me. Toni definitely agreed, and after telling my parents I was in a bad money situation, they agreed as well. Heck, they had already cleaned out my old room for me.

But leaving LA would also meaning leaving Ryan, and weird as it my be, I can't deny the fact that we've definitely grown closer. Nothing like best friends or so, but he's definitely less colder to me now.

Though he still always refuses to tell me much about his life. He's said a few tiny things here and there, but he'll always change the subject whenever the conversation was mainly focused on that. It honestly worried me to think about what he must've gone through if it pains him this much to talk about it..

I just.. can't help but wonder..

At the moment, I was just finished a call with Toni, which had become a daily thing now, whenever she wasn't completely busy anyway. She was the only one I had been completely honest with, besides Ryan. If she didn't hate Marnie before, she definitely did now.

Speaking of which, she wasn't able to dig up any information on Ryan, at all. It was as if he didn't have a life before two years ago, like he just appeared out of nowhere.

I didn't think too much of it at the time, but I've definitely gotten more curious.

Come to think of it, I hadn't seen him for a few hours now, maybe he was at work? Or eating? As long as he was okay. But I shouldn't worry, I know he can take care of himself.

However, I grew a little tense when I heard faint scratching, making me look over to the bedroom door. JD was now pushing the door open and crawl inside, and I felt my blood run cold at the realization.

"JD, no!!"

Running over, I paused in front of the door, feeling a little nervous. One thing Ryan was strictly against was me entering his bedroom; he never said why, but the thought of it alone made him really angry. I respected his boundaries considering he had already done so much for me, but I had to get my cat out as soon as possible!

So I.. I went inside.

Just as expected, his room was the color scheme of dark green and black, the windows all fully covered with the curtains. Without the light, it was basically pitch black.

"Jason Dean..! Get back here..!!"

I heard a meow near the dresser, and so I followed. However, I stopped in my tracks as two pictures stood on top of it, making me tilt my head.

On one of the pictures were two young boys. One them I could easily tell was a much younger Ryan, maybe around ten years old, smiling brightly at the camera. His arm was around a shorter kid, who in a strange way, sort of looked like me. The difference was that he had blue eyes, and his hair was completely black. Maybe dark brown.

It was the first time I had ever seen him genuinely happy since I met him..

The other picture had little Ryan as well, but he seemed much younger, maybe four years old, and didn't even have his eye scar yet. Beside him was a girl who seemed around the same age, maybe a bit older, with bright white hair and the same eyes as him, freckles over her nose.

Was this a family member? Maybe a sibling? A cousin?


"JD!" I quickly scooped up my cat, a small glare on my face. "Don't do that again!"

He simply snuggled against my chest, and I let out a sigh as I stepped back out of the room, closing the room behind me.

I looked around, Ryan was still nowhere inside. Thank God, I'd probably be dead if he had caught me.

Hopefully he won't know..

Thanks for reading!!! 'Till next time!!!


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