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Lately you have been receiving an unusual amount of hate since you and Harry confirmed. One day you went out shopping with Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie and a group of fans ran up screaming. While the other girls were taking pictures you were pulled away. A girl three years younger than you pulled you away and started hitting and verbally abusing you. A few of her friends joined in until security and the girls found you pulling the haters away. You end up with a fractured wrist, black eye, split lip, and twisted ankle. And that was only mentally. She called you many rude names which pointed out every single one of your flaws. The whole story was all over the Internet with pictures of you with a busted lip being carried in to the hospital and Harry rushing to see you. When he reached the hospital he immediately found you. He asked, "What happened, Ashley?"

As soon as you explained he started crying holding you in his arms. "I promise I'll protect you more Ashley. No one will hurt you again," and he carried you home, not once leaving his arms.

When you got home Harry assured that the whole universe knew that if they laid a finger in you that they would be severely punished. You were never harmed again.

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