Marichat Post-reveal (short story)

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That night the pair talked about everything- from how Marinette pulled of pretending to be multi-mouse and how Adrien used his fan to pretend to be him when the Gorilla was after him. They talked about how Ladybug suppressed her feelings for Chat Noir because it felt wrong to be in love with two people. They talked all night and talked about what they'd tell everyone else. They decided to date as civilians and keep the flirty work banter they have as superheroes, but not show the public that the two hero's were a couple. Marinette told Adrien the identities of Carapace and Rena Rouge and to say the least he was surprised, they decided to reveal their identities to them, it would be safer now for all of them to know rather than just one or two people. Which took them to this moment right now.

Adrien convinced his bodyguard to let him walk with Marinette since school was only a street away from the bakery, so the gorilla dropped him there and drove off back to the Agrest mansion. The two walked towards the school, hand in hand, both nervous about how their classmates would react to the sudden change in relationship- Marinette was especially worried about Juleka since things didn't work out with Luka and he moved out for collage. But that was almost 6 months ago now so surely she would understand?

Walking into school they got a number of looks thrown their way, but class had almost started so it was mainly people they didn't know because everyone was already in class. No one noticed the two as they walked into class together- they had to let go of each other to go through the door so they guessed that's why no one was acting weird. When class finished they headed for lunch with Nino and Alya and Marinette suggested they go back to hers
"mine for lunch today?" she looked over to Adrien,
"i have something i want you show you guys- and Adrien's bodyguard is letting Adrien come!". The group agreed and they headed to the bakery.
"good morning mr Dupang-Chang, Mrs Dupang-chang!" Adrien said with a smile as they headed through the bakery and up to Marinette's home.

As they entered Marinette's room Nino and Alya sat on the sofa bed and Adrien sat on Marinette's desk chair which he had glided over to sit next to Nino. Marinette stood in front of them, and nervously looked down at her hands.
"so? what is it girl?" Alya asked. Marinette held out her had, signalling Adrien to take it,
"oh we're doing this now? okay?" he said with a big grin on his face. Adrien took Marinette's hand and lifted her head with the other, gentle holding her chin- he placed a kiss on Marinette's lips. Nino and Alya's jaws dropped, they looked at each other in complete shock.
"oh- and one more thing" Adrien continued.
"Tikki, spots on!"
"Plagg, claws out!"
They transformed and stood there, waiting for Alya and Nino to move, but they just sat there- jaws dropped.
"surprise?" Marinette giggled.
"oh. my. gosh. YOURE LADYBUG?" Alya screamed.
"SHHHHHH" Chat and Ladybug hushed her in unison.

The group talked and laughed all of lunch about their relationship and their identities- they exposed all of lila's lies and Alya apologised for not believing Marinette- but she was just thankful for everything that was happening. Soon they had to return to class. On their way back in, more people began to notice the new couple- lila being one of them.
"Adrien!!" she called out to him.
"my wrist has healed from that sprain i got when saving a baby pigeon from being killed by its mom- i was hoping you could teach me some piano soon, since i used to play for jagged stone i've fallen out of practice and could use some help" Lies, lies, lies, that's all that came out of her mouth and Adrien could feel Marinette's grip tighten around his hand as she grew angry and so he gentle rubbed his thumb against her soft skin as if to say 'don't worry, you can calm down' before replying to lila,
"sorry lila- i cant give you lessons today... or ever" Adrien felt Marinette's hand relax  and he turned to give her a quick smile.
"what why not?" lila snapped at him,
"i'm having dinner with my girlfriend" he said, still looking at Marinette before walking away- leaving lila and everyone else speechless. Marinette saw Chloe run into the locker room with Sabrina following close behind,
"i think you need to talk to Chloe" Marinette said as they headed up the stairs towards the lockers.
"you're right-" he said, looking towards where Chloe went.
"go" Marinette said, with a soft smile
"i'll be quick, i promise" he said before letting go of her hand and running after Chloe. Marinette could finally talk to Juleka.

Adrien and Chloe talked for a while, missing the start of class- he explained to her that despite them being a couple it didn't mean he liked her any less and that he'd always be there for her. Chloe was hurt and angry but she understood. Meanwhile Marinette spoke to Juleka in class and was surprised to find out Luka had a girlfriend in collage so there was no hard feelings. She was relieved.

The two had dinner with Gabriel that evening and confessed their love for one another. To their surprise Gabriel seemed to like Marinette- she had impressed him with her designs in the past and she allowed the two to date on the condition that Marinette works toward the family business alongside Gabriel and Adrien. He explained a contract would be drafted and that she would be almost like an intern but without the set hours and pay. She would model, design, assist and consult with the Gabriel Agrest brand.

In their next meeting with Gabriel they established the dating rules. He made it clear that Marinette was not to become a distraction for Adrien and if at anytime this seemed to be the case, the contract along with their relationship would end. Marinette was allowed round the mansion when Adrien had a free schedule and was allowed in his room, with his door open.

The two were ecstatic, and their relationship continued like this, Marinette even was allowed to stay the night after the first year until they graduated high school and moved in together. Hawk moth was never defeated, one day the akuma attacks just stopped, but the hero's still helped the police force and were on standby incase Hawkmoth made a reappearance.

Adrien became the face of the Agrest Dupang-Chang clothing line and became a fencing instructor, one of the many activities he actually enjoyed as a teen. He spent time with kids but used his success to help his love in making it in the fashion industry- using everything she learn from Gabriel along the way. Adrien was to inherit the Agrest brand when his father passed away, and he was ready to hand it over to Marinette when the time came.


~Ladynoir reveal coming next~
~let me know if you'd like a full book on the post reveal (showing ages 16-30)~

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