Hershey Kiss(Sherlolly Short Fanfic: Happy Valentine's Day!)

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Molly Hooper walked sulkily down the sidewalk, her attention mostly focused on the pavement. Her eyes were still red from crying. She knew it may have looked foolish to anyone who at that moment did decide to pay mind to a tear-stained-face woman, but she didn't care. Somebody had just broken her heart. Somebody who she had thought all along was the one had suddenly broke up with her. And on Valentine's Day, too.

"I'm sorry, Molly. But I just don't think this will work out---this you and me thing." His heartbreaking words echoed hauntingly in her head as she remembered his sudden confession just a moment ago. Molly had gone over to his flat for a cup of tea and a bit of a chat---this was how the two began their Valentine's Day---when he broke the news that he never really loved her(too shocked to speak, Molly didn't know what to do but to storm out of his flat in anger and sadness). Did this mean he was only using her? Molly's fists clenched automatically at the thought. She very well knew this was the reason why; she was a very smart woman. However, she found it rather difficult to accept the truth. She let out a long sigh---but that sigh was cut short as the pathologist was aware of bumping into someone. "Oh, sorry! I-" she stopped in mid-sentence when she looked up to see who it was. It was Sherlock. Sherlock Holmes, the world's only consulting detective. The consulting detective that Molly knew well and often helped. She took a step back. "Oh, hello, Sherlock. Um. . . Yeah, sorry for, uh, running into you." She bit her lip, turning away quickly and shyly. You bloody idiot, Molly! As if the foolish collison was bad enough! a voice in her head scolded her angrily.

 "It's fine." was the sociopath's simple response as he looked at her with his usual blank expression. Molly caught something in the corner of her eye and looked to see a small, pretty red bag in Sherlock's hand. He followed her gaze and then looked toward her. "For you." his words were simple again as he handed over the bag to Molly. Blinking curiously, Molly took it. "Considering the sudden break up between you and Will, I decided to pick something up for you to cheer you up a bit." Molly blinked once more, this time in utter surprise. She wasn't surprised by his astounding(and of course, accurate)deduction; that was normally expected of the consulting detective. But what surprised her was he had given her something because of what happened to her, rather than going into full detail of his deduction, possibly ruining the rest of her Valentine's Day.

"Um, Sherlock. . . I.  . ."

"You don't have to say anything. Just take it." Sherlock interrupted flatly, purposefully turning away to watch a young couple pass by. After a moment of shocked silence, Molly allowed a smile to appear on her face. She nodded quietly in thanks, staring down at the pretty little bag, before continuing to head home. She felt as if all was alright with the world now as she walked. In fact, she felt so much better that she didn't think of hailing a cab. Sherlock had given her a gift on Valentine's Day. Sherlock. Eventually, Molly had reached her flat, noticing almost for the first time that it was becoming dark. She stepped up toward her door and paused to open the bag, her curiosity getting the best of her. Inside, was a neatly wrapped box with a heart in the middle. Upon opening the box, she found little, silver-wrapped tear-drop shaped chocolates. Hershey Kisses. A small blush appeared on her cheeks. 


The sudden voice brought her to attention as she spun around in alarm to face Sherlock. "S-Sherlock? Did you-"  "Yes, I followed you home." the tall, curly-haired man finished for her. "But why?" she wondered in almost a whisper. "So that I can do this." and with that, he grabbed her face in his hands and kissed her passionately on the lips, his eyes closed. Molly's own, brown eyes had widened in complete astonishment, a deep red blush visible on her cheeks. After some time, Sherlock pulled away. Molly could only stare at him in shocked silence. The consulting detectice only gave a grin in return. He then held her face gently in his hand and whispered in her ear softly. "Happy Valentine's Day, Molly." Afterwards, he turned and walked away. Molly noticed she was still holding onto the box of Hershey Kisses, but had now dropped them as she watched Sherlock go. If Molly had known better---if she hadn't been in a current shocked state---she would know that the sociopath was actually drunk.

Once he was further away, Sherlock staggered toward a lamppost, holding onto it as he stared back, his face flushed. "I quite enjoyed that." he said aloud to himself in a slightly slurred voice. He shook his head, as if to clear it. He admitted that, even in his drunken state, this wasn't the best idea for an experiment. For a moment, Sherlock began to feel like himself again as he thought about what happened(well, he seemed to go in and out of his drunken state; he had drank a bit too much alcohol). One thing was certain: the kiss he gave Molly Hooper was obviously not real. But---even if he was(half)drunk---the Hershey Kiss box that he gave her was.

[FANFIC WRITER'S NOTE: Okay, so, I know this little fanfic sounded very cheesy and downright stupid, but honestly I am terrible at writing romance, because I never read it(except for Nicholas Sparks---if I'm in the mood, of course). So my writing skills on that genre is very poor. But I wanted to try to do some kind of "Valentine's special" fanfic, since tomorrow is Valen....



*gagging intensifies*



Anyway, I hope you enjoy this fic anyway!


And it's a good one, too. Also, I do not own the video---credit goes to the YouTuber who made it.]

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