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it wasn't long until the soft tint on oikawa's face turned into a bright opaque pink, with each glance it kept deepening; it felt like getting murdered, repeatedly.

it was wrong to be jealous, just because he was my best friend doesn't mean i could hurt them like this. i just couldn't stand the sight, flirting at practice, flirting on the metro.

oh it was so wrong.

he stopped coming over. she didn't like the fact that she wasn't with him twenty four seven. each time he reclaimed the hours, minutes, seconds; he gave then to me, and each time i relived the heart break.

a movie on repeat. but in each movie, somebody suffers, and i'd be dammed if it was me. but, it was, i felt weak upon each interaction, i know i don't like him like that, but why do i feel so helpless when he watches her walk by. it was a relentless feeling, the thought of knowing how he found her perfect..

and she was.

i mean, shes a straight a student, a good friend; and better than me. i'm bossy, and i push everybody away, that's why he's drawn to her because she treats him like a person. i treat him like a fiend.

i wish life was as easy as an exorcism. i could of prayed them away, but as i notice each strand of hair that lies in my hands, i can't shake the feeling of ultimate dread.

oh how i dreamt of wearing her like a costume. just to feel slight bliss in his horror. the world is not like a game, i wish i had known sooner. i did what i did, and it will haunt me forever.

those stupid green eyes, her stupid green eyes. so kind, yet so judgmental. innocent and bleak, i hated them. i wanted to rip them out and eat them, or make them my eyes. brown is bleak, that's why oikawa didn't want me.

her mouth was always so kind, until it muttered 'stop  talking to him, you freak.' emery my dear, you've made a grave mistake. every tooth so sweet, rotting and eroding everybody who dared to take them in.

each hand so soft and tiny, it fit perfectly within the setters bold hands, he told me about the first time they had sex. these disgusting hands never deserved him. he was so pure, and she was so dirty.

now your hands are.

i opened my eyes. a limp body flailed onto my basement floor, a pool of blood on the surround. a knife had stuck out from her chest, i recounted each time. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10...

i was shaking, her once perfect face was demolished, her teeth were gone. they lied scattered across the floor around her lifeless body. the horrific sight kept deepening.

my eyes left her mouth, just to see that her green eyes were removed. stolen from her head, just the retina left empty. i realized where her eyes had gone, like hundreds before me.

i swallowed them. in a moment of pure bliss, the voice told me to eat them and my eyes would be green, he'd love me. i was truly a cannibal, no...
a monster.

she didn't deserve it, hajime.

i ripped out each strand of hair one my one, she screamed. the scream poisoned my mind to hurt her even more. i kept going i had a pile of hair at my feet. out of pure anger from her yells; i stabbed her.

no. i obliterated her, i stabbed for each time she made my heart ache. my knife swam through her body, i twisted and pulled and repeated. the relief of her being gone made my heart flutter.

the thought of oikawa being comforted by me, and falling in love motivated me to hurt her more. she finally felt how i felt. soon those screams of agony stopped, but i didn't.

the demon was still in me, i snapped her neck, the beautiful pop settled in my ears before i stood away and watched the beautiful sight. her body glistening as i shed a tear of relief.

i woke up gasping. my body seized in fear, the image of her lifeless body burned into my head, i would never do that!

except.. my hands are stained red.. it won't come out! i kept scrubbing and scrubbing until i saw the knife i used to kill emery, dripping red oozy liquid.. i knew what i had to do..

"dear oikawa. i killed her."

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