6-  interrogation.

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i was totally ready now, aside my favorite person. we weren't anything, but he told me he loved me. that's all that matters to me. we saw our mutual friends and walked over to them. "hey guys!" oikawa said in his normally cocky excited voice, it made things normal, thankfully.

"have you guys seen emery? she's not here, normally its her and not you iwaizumi-san." said one of them, his intention was to be rude, it was quite clear to be honest. i was already uncomfortable with the interaction of these people. luckily, oikawa saved the conversation before i blew up on them.

"neither of us had seen emery, besides, what's your complaint?" he raised his eyebrow, and the boy seemed to back down a bit. the kid was a second year, he worshipped oikawa. strangely enough. its so funny to me, i see the sides of oikawa these people don't.

"but its weird that emery isn't here.." a fellow third year stated, i got a bit nervous considering they know she is gone. it makes me especially nervous since they won't let it drop no matter how many times oikawa tries to change the conversation. god i wished it would work.

"maybe we will see her at lunch?" oikawa said, trying to drive them off track, a second year chimed in and started talking about his onigiri he packed, apparently he used a new recipe this time. i would of normally payed attention to the idea of cooking, but at the moment, i was a little preoccupied.

after a couple minutes of conversation, the bell went off, and me and oikawa went to our first period. the teacher for this class was obnoxious, a huge bitch in my opinion. he always seemed to pick on me. like generally a lot...

"good morning students! sleep well? well i sure hope so, today we are going to be continuing our unit, does anybody remember what chapter we are on? how about mr iwaizumi?" he said, and immediately i thought to myself, fucking hell. he seemed like he saw an opportunity because he started acting strange.

"well, whats wrong with you?? did you just dispose of a body or something? because you're actin like it!" he said i felt my heart beat rising, it was going a million a minute. was it really that obvious? should i just come out and say it? i parted my lips before i felt a hand on my arm.

oikawa grabbed my arm and whispered "its okay." before he spoke up and said "iwaizumi-kun just lost a member in his family, he's a bit down today." oikawa had my back, our teacher looked stunned and embarrassed, and introduced our topic.

i felt relieved, if it wasn't for oikawa, i probably would of just came out and said it. and honestly that wouldn't of been good. i wish i could of said that we were out of that class super quick, but i'd be lying.

i was told lying was wrong by a family member, and i stand by that. it was like sap from a tree, dripping down once every five years, recorded and slowed down. it was like climbing the stairway to heaven, just to find out you need to go down it, and you belong in hell.

it sucked. we had to dissect frogs with our partners. oikawa chose me as his partner, which i was glad about. i looked down at the frog below me, and thought to myself, he really doesn't deserve this. what did this frog do to end up here?

it reminds me of emery, she didn't deserve to die. i just wanted her dead, she hurt oikawa when he needed her.. am i as bad as the person who put this frog in here? or am I worse. there is no justification for what i did. and there never will be.

second period, hell strays loose. its my favorite class, literature. i loved writing, it calmed my nerves, it had my favorite teacher, mrs wilsbee. she was calm and patient, she gives us four words a day. then we write a short story with it. its calming for me.

when i looked at the board, i read "heinous, vindictive, murderer, crime." the world seemed to be out to get me. i wanted to rip my hair out, this was the exact opposite of the normal calming class i go to each day. this was the universe stressing me out.

i started writing, i never had a problem finding the right words to write, i just had a problem saying them. I couldn't present sit for the life of me. so when my pen hit the paper, i began my story. i was nervous it would seem too real, but what's wrong with that.

"jealousy, its a vindictive act. wether you realize it or not, its damaging, the pain you feel when you've noticed the only thing you love is wanting others. they need others, but others never seem to be you. this feeling feels illegal, like a crime.

but it never dies, it grows like a monster, a murderer it can be. you separate from others you love, distancing to disappear. you want to play in plain light, an escapist you can be. they never notice you, but the pain from ignorance is feeding your soul.

jealousy turns to harm, yourself or others. you can't avoid it, constant pain, you never find yourself pleasured. the only way to pleasure is to feel more pain. collecting in others pain, or your on. you know it feels good, don't lie. its a sin. but you always repeat sins.

when your sins repeat, you find your enemies. you're alone, all you have is a weapon, you kill and slice and send them away. until the one you love is all alone, and depending on you to save them, like the knight and shinning armor you are. they will never know the heinous acts of jealousy."

i  had handed in my paper, and began to leave when mrs. wilsbee asked to talk to me. i turned around, whilst everybody else walked out. "sit at your desk, mr iwaizumi." i comply, as there is no point in fighting with her.

"mrs wilsbee sensei, what's this about?" i asked, i was curious since i'd only talked to her a handful of times. "your works never seem to fail me. I always wind up excited and amazed, but tell me.. why does this seem so close to heart.. iwaizumi-san." she said, stuttering at the end.

"horror fan, used to pain i guess. jealousy is a curse, and according to many, i'm cursed as is. now, i must leave now, that's the bell.. have a nice day mrs wilsbee sensei." i said before swiftly exiting, i heard her sigh, and roll her chair as i left.

"there you are! i was wondering what was taking you so long." oikawa said catching up to me. our classrooms are right next to eachother, so we needed to hurry and get to our next period. I wasn't excited for math, and i'll never be excited for it..

but thank god it went quick, the rest of the day went surprisingly quick. before i knew it, me and oikawa were running to the gym, which is the last thing we wanted to do. i had no worries about chris getting into my room, since he never leaves the couch.

but oikawa was scared about it. we took off practice do to a random "injury" oikawa is "suffering" with. we started running home, we had better places to be, and that place is disposing the body on my bedroom floor, (i still can't believe she's on my new rug!)

when we got there everything was uncomfortably normal, the tv was on, beer cans were everywhere, and chris was on.. WHERE IS CHRIS??

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