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The gun range was large and spacey . The few men who were shooting at targets had ear defenders on and never missed the targets like the trained men they were.

They hadn't noticed our presence and it was clear that Enzo was angry about it.

"Non sapevate che oggi allenavamo le reclute? Esci!!" he demanded, glaring at each of them as they hurried out. [translation: Didn't you all know that we were training the recruits today? Get out!!]

Each of the kids went to their own section of the gun range and picked up the handguns in front of them.

"Lucía would you like to demonstrate how to do this?" Enzo asked me, a smirk on his face.

He was so annoying. I composed myself, smiled at him then walked over to the booth Rufus was standing at.

"Do you mind?" I asked him.

"No, course not. Here." he said, handing me the gun.

I held it in my dominant hand, using my non-dominant hand to do the next step.

"You first want to make sure it's loaded." I said, pulling out the magazine and checking that the ammunition needed was inside.

"I always like to make sure the rounds are aligned properly so I use my index finger on the top corner to align the top round. Otherwise if it's too far out, it might not slide into place.

Then you slide the magazine into place a little harshly till you hear the click sound. Then, if you're like me, you pull the slide back then let go, but if you don't do that just hit the slide release/slide lock with your thumb.

Now all that's left is..."

I stepped back then aimed and fired at the targets till there were no bullets left.

The recruits applauded and I bowed for them.

"Now you all try." I said, leaving them to try for themselves.

I watched them as they shot. I stopped at one of them. She was the only girl in the group and she was missing some of her shots.

"If you're missing shots you should try and fix your stance. Maybe try doing your right foot forward instead of your left?" I mentioned.

Without a word, she switched her stance and tried again. She hit them all.

"Thank you." she said, grinning at me.

"No problem. What's your name?"

"Alex but you can call me Lex or Lexi."

I smiled, "Nice to meet you Lex. I'm Lucía."

"Wait, you're the Mafia Princess aren't you?" she asked me, her eyes widening in surprise.

"I wouldn't call myself that but I think so?" I replied, not too sure of what to say.

She let out a small "woah" and then asked me how to hit bullseye properly, completely ignoring what she had just asked me.

We continued to work and out of the corner of my eye I noticed Enzo watching us. He didn't move so I did, allowing him to see Lex in her element.

"How about a shootout? You and me. Let's see who can hit all their targets quicker." Enzo said as I stepped back to stand beside him.

"What's the catch?" I asked, skeptic of his proposed challenge.

"No catch. We use handguns though. Pre-loaded and ready to fire."

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