"I was not aware you needed repetition, darling. Okay, I'll say it more slowly. I, Xante Alessandro Lucas Deliano, want you, my delightful wife, the love of my life, Dr. Chidinma Adaobi Deliano, to place that delicious pussy that I love to devour, o...
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THE GRAND BALLROOM of the mansion was filled with Mafia members from all over Italy watching as Xante marched towards his grandfather, who stood silently at the front of the room. Xante was shirtless and barefoot, only wearing silk white pants, gaze hardened.
This was his iniziazione.
His mother followed behind him, both of them keeping their eyes on the eldest Deliano, seeing all the members, who all wore red, in the corner of their gazes. When they had arrived at Antonio Deliano's feet, Xante's mother gave him a warm smile and moved to stand next to her father-in-law.
Xante faced his head towards his grandfather, ears filling with silence.
"Xante Alessandro Lucas Deliano, you are presented forward today to become the Don of the Italian Mafia. Il Padrone, Capo delle capo, Il lupo alfa," His grandfather's dark blue orbs stared into his as his voice boomed, "Accetti questo ruolo?" (Italian: Do you accept?)
Xante's lashes lowered and lifted once more, voice bold, "Lo voglio," (Italian: I do)
"Prometti di proteggere questa organizzazione, le sue missioni e la sua missione, preservando la regola dell'omertà?" (Italian: Do you promise to protect this organization, its quests and its mission, while preserving the rule of silence?)
"Lo voglio,"
Retrieving the ancient ciotola di iniziazione, a large golden bowl as ancient as the organization, Xante's grandfather placed it in front of Athena, "Con il sangue del passato," Then, taking a sharp knife, he made a cut on her palm, droplets of blood dropping into the bowl. He repeated the same with himself, "Il sangue del presente e il sangue del futuro," (Italian: With the blood of the past, the blood of the present and the blood of the future,)
At this, bowls and knives were passed around the room, the members cutting their palms or pricking their fingers, blood filling the bowls. The only members who did not do this, were members with STDs and blood transmittable diseases. Rafael, his cousin and another Capo, presented the bowl of crimson and Antonio poured it into the larger golden one. Then, he presented a small vial, which had Chidinma's blood and poured it in as well.
Xante's eyes tightly shut at the thought of Chidinma not being here with him. The blood had been given by Imani, who got it from the hospital they worked in. All employees had been required to donate at least 1 pint of blood a year. He could just imagine her calling her pastor at this bizarre initiation ritual. A hint of a smile appeared on his face.
Antonio continued, raising the bowl with the blood high above Xante's head, "Messo nel tuo essere, ti rinnovi come uno di noi. Capo di un'unità, legata dal sangue. Accetti?" (Italian: Put into your being, you are renewed as one of us. Head of a unit, bonded by blood. Do you accept?)