Chapter 1: First Day

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****Ok guy! Here's the sequal to Find Your Voice! In that story everything was from Scott's POV but in this one you'll get a little bit of Mitch's POV. Most of it will be from Scott's though so it'll be from Scott's POV until I say otherwise :)****

Chapter 1: First Day

        I woke up and rolled over cuddling closer to Mitch. I knew I would have to get up soon because it was the first day of school, ah junior year...the hardest year in high school. I could not be more excited let me tell you. Mitch and I had such a great summer and I was sad that it was over, but on the bright side he would be in school with me because he was promoted from just cleaning classrooms after school to being the actual janitor. Apparently the main janitor had a heart attack over the summer and was unable to do the job. I told Mitch he should try to get a better, less gross job but he said he didn't mind cleaning and doing the crappy job. 

"Scott you're going to be late for school." Mitch chuckled burrying his head in my chest.

"Five more minutes." I sighed making him giggle. 

"Come on babe." He kissed my neck and rolled off the bed taking the blankets with him.

"Mitch...." I grumbled but it only made him laugh at me. I really did not want to get up but I knew there was nothing I could do. I reluctantly sat up and stretched my arms, then got up hearing the shower start running. I walked into the kitchen after getting ready and decided to make Mtch breakfast. I had just finnished the scrambled eggs when he walked into the kitchen, his hair perfectly styled to the side and his brown eyes sparkling beautifully. 

"So are you nervous for your first day of school? I remember junior, I hated it." Mitch remenisced as he grabbed the plate I was handing to him. 

"Nah I'm not nervous. I just wish I was done with high school already." I pouted and he smiled at me. 

"Sorry babe. It'll be fine and I'll be there in case you run into any trouble." I glanced at him and smirked.

"Oh come on Mitch. I think after Alex I'll be able to handle myself."

"Yeah but just in case. I mean you never know what could happen." I nodded. I was grateful that he'd be there because I really didnt want another year like last year. 

        We finished breakfast and then I got my stuff together and before I knew it we were in the car on our way to the school. This was going to be a little weird after everything that happened there last year. I hadn't set foot in the building since the last day of finals and now I was an upper classman. I began to mentally prepare myself for the mean things I knew would be said to me since I had gone a whole summer without any type of abuse. As soon as we got out of the car Mitch grabbed my hand and kissed it. 

"Have a good day Scotty. Hopefully I'll see you sometime today." I smiled.

Oh I'm sure we'll see each other in the hall. Have fun at work." I let his hand fall and walked away toards the building. Mitch didn't actually have to be there for another hour so I watched him drive away, proably to get coffee. The fact that he was sweet enough to get up early with me and drive me to school even though he didn't have to be up yet just shows how amazing he really is. I stared up at the building for a moment as memories of last year flooded my mind. Alex and his friends making my life hell, and Mitch coming to my rescue agreeing to take the torture for me. He gave me the courage to step up and I actually turned Kevin, Avi and Kirstie against Alex. I breathed a sigh of relief realizing Alex wouldn't be there this year, but I also realized all my friends are also gone. Kevin left for college in Caifornia and Kirstie and Avi are attending college at the local community college a town away. But even though Aelx wasn't there to give me shit I knew there were so many other people that hate me just as much as he did, I just hoped me standing up to Alex was enough to make them all think twice about hurting me. I walked into the school just as the bell rang and hurried to my locker. I smiled when no one was there to attack me. Hopefully I could just blend in with the crowd this year. I glanced at my schedule and saw I had science first, Chemistry. Science was probably my worst subject ever to this was going to be super fun.(Sarcasm) As I walked to the room I saw that everyone was waiting outside the door. This was a little odd. Finally after the last bell rang the teacher opened the door and let us all walk in. As soon as we did everyone let out a loud groan as we noticed our names were on certain chairs, asigned seating...great. Each table had two chairs at it and we were stuck sitting next to whoever was next to us the whole year. I sat down and read the name that was next to me. Aubrey. I had no idea who this Aubrey chick was but I was hoping she wasn't going to be this horrible bitch. 

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