Chapter 3. Part 2

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I decided to split the chapter into 3 parts..
Tw homophobic remarks and gay bashing.

And now she keeps finding her thoughts drifting back to Jason's new friend. She definitely not Camila's type, all nerdy and awkward, and even though she's tall, she doesn't have a hint of athleticism about her. Camila likes her women fit and toned when she swings that way, which isn't very frequently. But there's something about Lauren's sparkling eyes and a wide grin that is interesting.
Yeah, she's hot, or whatever. She tells herself as she opens the door and tries not to fall over Bear as he makes a break for freedom. So not a big deal.
"Bring me Cheetos!" Normani demands regally from the living room area as Camila shuts the door behind her, and she rolls her eyes.
Bear bounds down the path ahead of her, sniffing eagerly at the mounds of fallen leaves. Camila breaks into a light jog behind him, forcing her muscles to cooperate and warm. The short-run should make her sweat out the last of the booze and mean she's in decent shape for this evening's practice, although she might need a nap later.
Campus is quiet, peaceful even, and the sun warms her back through her black hoodie until she starts to sweat. She stops to pull it off over her head, and a familiar voice makes her freeze, head still stuck in the fabric.
"Need a hand with that gorgeous?" Jennifer draws.
"No." Camila grunts, pulling it clear and tying it around her waist with furious deliberation, rage instantly twisting inside her.
Jennifer smirks, leaning against a fence post like she was somehow waiting for Camila, and then stands up as Camila starts jogging away, falling into pace with her. Bear growls.
"Can I help you?" Camila deliberately increases her pace, going from a soft jog she'd been dawdling in when alone to punishing speed, hoping to lose Jeniffer.
"Oh, Camila. You know how you can help me."
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, Camila speeds up even more; even though she's starting to feel faintly nauseous, she grits her teeth and promises herself that she will puke on Jennifer if necessary, but the athletic blonde keeps up with her with ease.
They round the corner together, and Camila wheels to a halt, Bear anticipating her movements. Jennifer grinds to a stop a few meters ahead and then saunters back. " Doing some shopping?"
"Fuck off, Jennifer." clearly, not engaging is not doing the trick, and Camila can feel her heart pounding with a sickening mix of adrenaline and anger. Jennifer has the fucken nerve to talk to her after what she did? She stomps towards the shop door, pausing to tie Bears leash to a handy sign.
"I do wish you would let this grudge go. We could still be friends, you know..." Jennifer's voice is laden with suggestion, and Camila's stomach squirms in disgust.
"You're psychotic. A cheating psycho." the automatic door slides opened too slowly, and Jennifer follows her across the threshold.
"You knew I had a girlfriend when you came back to my place. It's okay; she didn't mind. She quite enjoyed the video. I mean, who wouldn't, such a surprise to see some so... Well dominant.. debase themselves like that.." Jennifer basically giggles it, and Camila clenches her fists, feels the pressure turning her knuckles white.
"Oh!" Jennifer pretends to sound surprised, " are you still sore about that little tournament?"
Camila takes a deep breath and reminds herself that she's one infraction away from getting kicked out of the school completely, grabbing pastries from the bakery trays with unnecessary violence. 'That little tournament.' The tournament Jennifer forced her to throw, threatening to release the film she made of them fucking bile rises in Camila's throat, stinging her nose, and she can hear the blood roaring in her ears. It takes everything she has not to smash Jennifer smug face in.
That fight had cost Camila her medal, her karate championship, and her pending sponsorship deal. Jennifer had taken it all away. Camila had thrown away her black belt, with its four silver strips the very next day. It made her want to throw up just looking at it.
Fuck Jennifer. The blonde follows her around the store, trying to get her to engage. Still, Camila shuts down and mechanically helps herself to do what she wants, Jennifer's voice forced into white noise until Camila is paying at the cashier desk. "... And I saw you eating breakfast with Lauren Jauregui this morning?" she's cute... I mean, not your usual, but cute. Kind of quiet, nerdy thing. Nice. Shame, she's dropping the ball with her project clients, but what can you do?" Camila had totally forgotten Jennifer was in Comp sci. Of course, she knows Lauren.
Camila's knuckles crack under their own tension, and she slams her fist into the shelving next to Jennifer's face, Jennifer doesn't even flinch, and Camila just glares at her, breathing heavily for the moment. She can see the excitement in Jennifer's eyes, and Camila bites her own cheek until she can taste blood. Ignoring the shocked cashier and stuffing her purchases into a bag, she storms out, unhooking bear and sprinting for home, leaving Jennifer smirking at the till. She smashes through the front door, throwing a packet of Cheetos at Normani. Anger pounds through her body so fiercely she has to sit on the stairs, struggling to regain control over her physical response.
"What's wrong?" Normani sounds genuinely concerned, struggling upwards from her nest of pillows as Camila stomps into the kitchen. She slams plates around, dishing up her food.
"Fucking bitch face." Bang, crash, boom.
"Ah. What happened?" Normani wonders into the kitchen, shooing Camila out of the way and taking over, damaging the china way less in the process, realizing that Camila is in full shut down mode and will not be talking about it. "Here, come and watch the top chef and eat this. You will feel better." she grabs an ice pack out of the freezer, wraps it in a napkin and hands it over. Camila realizes with surprise that her middle knuckle is split, oozing blood, and the skin is already puffy and red.
Begrudgingly, Camila allows Normani to lead her into the living area and flops down onto the sofa, stuffing her face with pastry and wondering why it was the mention of Lauren that pushed her over the edge. The ice pack feels good on her sore hand like it's cooling her temper. She wishes it had been Jennifer's nose. She'd hurt herself on,
Their phones beep at the same time, and Camila looks down. A text from Dinah.
// hey kids, Lauren's coming for movie night because I wanna see Camila's " I'm not sure if I want to puke or make out with her face again.//
Normani glances over at Camila, worried, and Camila takes a deep breath and a mouthful of pastry. Seemingly satisfied for now, Normani clicks the tv show back on and thinks worriedly of what options they have to deal with the Jennifer situation before Camila actually snaps and kills her.
"Jason, hey!" Lauren recognizes the spiky hair and impeded stride from across the quad as she exits the campus store, but he's already turning off toward park wood. She speeds up a bit, knowing she'll probably catch up with him halfway there. It'd be good to arrive with him. The bottle of wine she's carrying pulls heavy at her hand as she swings it a little bit, striding down the tree sheltered path.
It's another beautiful night, the tail end of a sunny September, and the air is cool as it tugs at her long hair and blue jacket. The orange sheen of street lights glows on broad circles on the narrow path, and she stuffs her rapidly chilling free hand in her pocket, moving quickly.
Up ahead, she hears a noise, a scuffle, and then yells of fear or pain. Shocked, she breaks into a run and rounds the corner, greeted with the sight of Jason on the ground, ballad up, and two men standing over him. Fear rushes through her, threaded with rage. As she watches, one of them pulls his leg back for a kick.
"Little faggot. Tell your freak boyfriend we.." he didn't get to finish his sentence. Lauren scatters the contents of her purse behind her as she charges, screaming and pulling her taser out. She jabs it into his throat as he turns, taking him totally by surprise.
His body shudders, jerking and dropping. The other guy spins to face her, eyes wide. On the floor, Jason isn't moving, and Lauren carefully places herself between him and the second guy. The man, balding and thin. Flicks his eyes from side to side, then to her hand, white-knuckled around the shaft of the taser.
She bares her teeth at him, "try it, " and he turns, sprinting into to the darkness.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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