Wilburs surprise

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after a 12 hour long stream george and wilbur went to relax in the living room with Y/N. "we could be like a sheep and a sticky piston with an end rod if you know what i mean" wilbur whispered in Y/Ns ear.  Y/N whispered softly "UwU" and dragged Wilbur to her pink gamer girl bedroom. Her bed had wilbur soot bed sheets from red bubble lathered onto it. Wilbur gently farted on y/n. as he did she started chewing his ear lobe.  Wilbur was wearing a skirt with his own face on it (the soot skirt) and y/n was wearing a cut out ruffle trim lingerie set & choker.  wilbur leaned close to your face and bit your nose. he closed his eyes and said "just like niki"  he stood up and asked "should we listen to some romantic music". Y/N agreed and wilbur put on Dont Mine At Night.  Wilbur starts humming the lyrics as he takes off the soot skirt to reveal his long end rod. "want to ride the dragon" he whispered seductivley. "yes please daddy" he smirked with an eager look. Y/N pounced at wilbur exidedly. wilbur dribbled on her head as she sneezed on his throbbing member.  wilbur moans as his mum walks into the room singing Your New Boyfriend.  George walks in wearing a gimp suit listening to jojo siwa.  then they had a threesome.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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