Chapter 9

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I keep the dragon either next to my bed or in my pocket at all  times. On might call it an obsession and it might be, but I don't think it hurts anyone. He's all I think about these days. Even when we're supposed to be training. So far we've kept it secret but I'm not sure how much longer we can keep it quiet. And it's better if we tell them ourselves rather than them finding out on their own. That's what I think anyway but I need to talk to Fitz about it. 

Today we switch things up and head to his room. He flops down on the bed like a starfish when we come in and I light a little. I snuggle up next to him in a little ball and he places his arm around me. We just lay there. I breathe in deep breaths of his scent, which smells like cinnacreme and forests. 

After a few minutes I have to ask in a whisper, "when are we going to tell the others?"

He sighs, "I haven't given it much thought to be honest. I have no idea."

"It's probably better to tell them sooner rather than later."

"Yeah. I just don't know how they'll react at all."

"We could bring up something LGBTQ+ and see what they think of it."

"Yeah but if we just ask 'hey, do you support LGBTQ or not?' it would be way too suspicious."

"Yeah, I guess. Wait! We could bring up Elwin!"

"Elwin? What's Elwin got to do with this?"

"I'm almost positive he's gay or bi or something. I went to see him a while ago and he acted a little strange and well....never mind. I just think he's gay."

"Alright. We could ask them if they think he's gay and see from there."

"Yeah. Let's do that." 

We get out of bed and walk down to the boys common room where Sophie and Keefe are but Biana isn't here. They're both working on little projects, Keefe's reading and Sophie's just sitting there so I assume she's doing telepath stuff. We sit down in some of the rock beanbag chairs and pretend to do other stuff for a while before I say, "do you guys think that Elwin is gay?"

Sophie and Keefe look a little taken aback. "Gay?" Sophie asks. "I dunno. I've never really thought about it. I guess he could be."

Keefe's eyes light up, "does this mean we can set him up on a date with the Forkle?"

Sophie glares at him. "No Keefe. Just because someone is gay doesn't mean you can just set them up with someone. That's like you figure out someone is straight so you set them up with someone. It doesn't make any sense."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. They defiantly aren't against LGBTQ+. A little laugh escapes my lips from pure relief. Sophie looks at me, her eyebrows creased together, "is there something wrong Dex."

When I say, "No. Everything is fine. Everything is awesome actually," I mean it. Then I remember Biana isn't here and she might not feel the same. " you know if Biana...knows Elwin is gay?" I stutter a little because I don't want to it sound too weird and make them suspicious.

"Not sure," Sophie says. "But I'm sure she'll support him either way. We all will. Right Keefe?"

Keefe rolls his eyes but is smirking. "Yeah I guess."

I'm not sure how Sophie knew that was exactly what I needed to hear. But she did. Maybe she was reading my mind. No, Sophie wouldn't do that without permission. 

"Is there something you would like to tell us Dex? Or you Fitzy?" Keefe asks, grinning a slightly evil grin. 

Sophie looks over and gives him a death glare. When she speaks she emphasizes every word. "If they have something to tell us they'll tell us when they're ready."

This makes me a little confused, it sounds like they already know. I decide we might as well tell them so I glance over at Fitz. His cheeks are a little red but he nods and smiles at me. Then he says, "Sophie can you grab Biana for a second? We do have something to tell you."

"Of course."

 A few minutes later everyone is sitting on the rock bean bags looking and me and Fitz. "What's up?" Biana asks.

I don't think I have the courage to say it so I look at Fitz who is sitting only a few feet to my left. He takes a deep breath and grabs my hand as he says, "we're dating." 

Biana sighs and says, "finally."

Keefe interjects, "right there with you."

And Sophie glares at both of them.

"What do you mean 'finally'?" I ask.

"Did you already know?" Fitz says.

Sophie stares at her hands as she says, "yeah. We've known for a while but we wanted you to tell us."

I'm a little taken aback and a little hurt but I don't know why I feel hurt. If I'd been in that situation I would've done the same thing so how can I blame them for this? I don't know but I try to put those feelings in a box and leave them there.

"Yeah, and it took you forever to say it," Keefe groans. "I didn't know how much more of the looking at each other then blushing then realizing you weren't alone and then looking away and blushing harder I could take."

"Was it really that obvious?" I ask.

Sophie says, "no," at the same time Biana and Keefe say "yes."

"Is that how you figured out in the first place?" Fitz asks.

"" Sophie starts but doesn't finish her sentence so Keefe finishes for her, "we saw you guys kissing. And I mean like kissing."

Both me and Fitz's faces heat up. "How long ago?" 

Biana tells us, "a few weeks ago."

"Weeks?!" Both me and Fitz say with our eyes wide. 

"Yup. You're lucky we haven't been nagging you about it yet," she tells us. 

"Yet?" I say.

"Mmmhh. The nagging is about to start." 

"I can begin the nagging!" Keefe interrupts. "Can you kiss yet? Are you ever gonna kiss or are you just gonna sit there's holding hands? I mean what's the point of a boyfriend if you don't kiss? Come one! Kiss already!"

Both of us blush. Sophie glares at Keefe again and says, "you don't have to kiss right now. There is no pressure whatsoever." 

But I feel like there is pressure. I glance over at him and he looks at me and gives a little nod. I shift my body to face him and bite my lip. He smiles a little and whispers, "it's fine." I nod and lean in. We close our eyes and our lips meet for a few seconds before we pull away. My face is on fire but when I look around all my friends are smiling at us. 

Keefe and Biana both roll their eyes, smirking, and say, "finally."

"Be quiet both of you." Sophie glares yet again. "We're so happy for you guys," she says, turning to face us. 

Fitz squeezes my hand and says, "me too." 

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