5. A Promise That will Never Be Broken

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"Will you stay for me?" Diane asks me.

"... i made a promise to you 200 years ago Diane." i started to sob "I-i then promised you again yesterday... I will n-never break my promise. My queen you were, still are, and will forever be my everything. N-no matter what life throws at us. I love you Diane serpent sin of envy! i will do anything and everything for my sin!" i confessed to her. 

How could i leave her side. how could i ever even think or leaving her, and the fact that i even let her think i would leave is a sin in its self. 

"Diane?" i try and get her beautiful purple eyes to stare at me. Still in giant form i had to float up but she still wouldn't look at me. 

"Diane my love?" She finally looks up. "I meant every word i said. Come on let's go home and rest. We've had a long day, haven't we." i tell her in the softest tone i can. she's sobbing and struggles to get up but when she does she gives me the biggest hug. 


I-I couldn't believe he actually confessed that to me... I couldn't be more in love. Im still shaking, i was so scared that we was going to leave and never come back. i guess i was lost in thought because i finally hear kings voice 

"Diane my love?" he questions my stiffness. 

I finally look up at him not realizing i'm sobbing like no tomorrow. 

"I meant every word i said. Come on let's go home and rest. We've had a long day, haven't we." he softly asks. 

I try and find the strength to get up, finally with kings help i find my balance and all i could do was give him the biggest hug. I am so in love with this man and honestly i cant stop thinking it. 

We finally get home and everyone is home. We quickly wave to them not even saying a word and we slowly and sleepily walk up the stairs not caring about anything but each other and the bed. King slowly opens the door and plops on the bed. i slither up under the covers trying to wiggle off my boots. Suddenly i feel king get up, but in way too tired to move.

"kiinnggg..." I groan. He didn't answer, but i felt a tug on my feet. 

"i'm here Diane" he said super out of it. 

He was taking off my boots for me as he saw me struggling. he takes them off and he floats over the bed and plops down next to me. He then softly crawls under the sheets. Feeling my skin on his i guess he had also taken off his shirt. His skin was so warm and soft. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulled me close. So close that i could feel the soft sweeps of his eyelashes on my head. 

"Good night my queen. sleep well" king whispered in my hair following with a kiss. 

"Good night my harleq-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before falling asleep. His heart beat was just so soothing. 


Im so tired i couldn't even think. Diane and i decided to wait till morning to tell the others about everything. we wanted to go to bed asap so we practically crawled into the tavern, waved hello with no other words, and hobbled our way up the stairs. i would have floated but i was helping Diane walk up. 

I walking into our room and i plopped down on the bed. No thoughts were in my head just emptiness and sleep. Until i heard Diane trying to take her boots off. I didn't want her to strain her self. i mean she was trying to take off her boots without undoing the laces. I mustered up the strength to push myself off the bed and walk over to Diane. 

"kiinnggg..." she groan but i didn't answer, i just needed to take her boots off. so i started to tug on her boots.

she kept trying to stay awake and say my name so i just shouted out "Im here Diane" I had finally gotten her boots off and i crawled back into bed. I laid there for a bit trying to not move Diane. I wiggled a little and she grabbed me and held me like a teddybear. It was AWSOME!!! 

I knew she was about to super pass out so i weakly said "good night my queen. sleep well"

She then tried to return a response but she was so tired she fell asleep mid sentence. This was a dream. We were so comfy. Its like when you come home to your own bed after being on a plane or traveling for hours on end. This was so nice being in my favorite persons arms. The love on my life. "Crazy huh" I thought as i to drifted to sleep.

                                                          *TIME SKIP TO THE MORNING*


I Wake up to someone poking my cheek. 

"Wake up alreadyyyy" Diane whined while pouting. 

I chuckled " i'm up silly". She smiled so big and she hugged me tight. I hugged her back even tighter. I felt like i was going to pop her but i didn't care i just love her so much. 

"you ready to get up" i ask her she said no so we laid there for a bit longer until we heard ban scream out that breakfast was ready. 

Diane and i got up and took a shower together to save time. we got dressed and headed out to the bar. when we come downstairs everyone is laughing and eating breakfast. 

I look at Diane and she looks kind of worried. 

"Whats wrong?" i whisper to her. 

"Nothing. I-Im just kinda scared to tell them you know..."  she whispered back with a slight panic in her eyes. 

"Everything will be ok my love" i started, "if you aren't ready to tell them we can wait. Take all the time you need ok!" i said happily trying to calm her down.

"No i want to tell them now" she demanded.

"Ok my love lets go do this thing!" i smirked showing a little on my teeth to really tell her i'm ready.  she smiled back so wide she closed her eyes to smile. I love when she does that. i was suddenly broken out of my thought when Diane shouted;

"King and i have an announcement!" 

Ban and Captain looked at each other and shouted "Y'all did the nasty!!" at the same time.

Hawk waddled over and smacked them both in the head; "THATS THE DUMBEST THING YOU GUYS COULD SAY RIGHT NOW JUST SHUT UP!!" 

Elizabeth asked if we were getting married. I kindly smiled and shook my head no. 

Diane waited for the room to quite and said "We are-

AUTHORS NOTE: SORRYYYYY I kinda head to leave it like that 😅 i have a funny beginning so thats jus how its gonna be :) ALSOOOOOO I think imma start a new book about the sins in high school because ive been reading those and oh my god are they so freaking good theres this one call "The seven deadly sins (KingxDiane). The first time that we met." by kiane505 and its sooooo and its amazing i stood up all night reading it! so go check it out and show them some love and let me know if you guys want that. Also im almost at 100 reads!!!! THATS INSANE THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! OK on to the next chapter 😁



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