Chapter 10

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Sorry my last chapter was totally mispelled forgive me. I'm not an idiot i swear!

"Oh this is pretty cute." I say while staring at myself in the mirror.  I put on something casual but for a party. It was short black dress with sleeves up to my elbows with black lace on the arms and collarbones. I love it. Its so cute i got it at a small store at the mall i fell in love with it. Maybe I'll wear some tights with it. I pull on a pair of black tights and slip on a pair of combat boots. This is really cute i have to admit. I come out of the bathroom and Jeff  was looking through my books. I'm kinda a collector. I love to read anything from noraml books to manga.

"I didn't know you read so much." He says while looking through the pages  of the manga.

"Yeah. I'm kinda a book worm." I admit.

"Apparently." He finally  glances up at me, then gives me a stern look.

"What? Is something wrong?" I ask.

"Isn't that dress a little too short?" He crosses his arms. Is he being serious? I wait for a couple seconds to see if he cracks a smile or a 'just kidding'. But no. This guy is being serious. Wow.

"Its not too short and i am wearing tights."

"Eh, I don't like it. It's short."

"Alright dad." I say. He just rolls his eyes. I am not changing i really like this dress. "Let's go."

He rolls his eyes then comes with me. Jeff looks so weird but whatever. He puts on his white hood. What am i going to tell people when they ask about him? Oh nothing just my friend who's a phsychopath. Better be nice or he'll murder you.

"What are you gonna tell people when we get there?" I ask. He looks at me and gives a small smirk.

"Cosplay! Duh!"

"I guess that would be a good cover, but-"

"But what? You worry too much. Why don't you just have a good time?" He says. Ugh he's right i need to stop worrying and bitching. Just have a good time that's what parties are all about. Suddenly jeff puts his arm around my shoulder. He avoids eye contact when i look up at him. His cheeks graze light red. Aww that's so  cute.


"Wow this place looks so cool!" Jeff says as we approach the big house. You could hear the muffling sounds of pop and indie music. This place does look pretty cool.

"Come on." I drag him and he comes along with me. "So what do you plan on doing, Jeff?"

"I told  you i wont kill anyone. I promise." He says sincerly. I just nod. I really hope he isnt lying to me. I really hate being lied too. My mom and dad did that when i was smaller. When mom left he kept telling me that she was at disneyland. That sure was a lie.

We both enter the loud house. Theres so many people here. Kids dancing together, even some grinding on each other. A corner with some booze and probably doing drugs.

"Ooh booze!" Jeff starts to walk away from me and i suddenly grab his hand without thinking. He stops and gives me a surprised look. "Be careful some people put ruphees in the drinks."

"Okay..." He says then walks to the booze. Why in hell did i do that? What's wrong with me?

Suddenly i feel someone poke my side and i turn around quickly. Sam. "You scared me you little!" I playfully slap his arm. He looks nice.

"Nice to see you here. Did you bring anyone or come by yourself?"

"Actually i brought someone. For some reason he decides to cosplay while here." I tell him. A weird look appears on his face.

"Intresting." He smiles.

"Heh yeah it is."

I hear a distant person yell. "OH MY GOD DUDE!" Jeff! What did he do now?!

Cliffhanger bitches.

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