Ski Lodge Romance

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   I loved school trips, but I hated when the teachers split us alphabetically onto coaches. Due to my name unfortunately being at the beginning of the alphabet and my friends being towards the end, they were all on the coach together. Therefore meaning I was on my own.

   I know, I know, why don’t I just make new friends even if it’s just for the journey? Well answer to that is: I’m pretty insecure. So you may say, well why don’t you just sit by yourself? Well that would certainly be the best option, but as I was on the first bus, that was the one that was filled up, meaning I definitely had to sit next to someone.

   Well at least I had my iPod to keep me company.

   I decided to choose and empty seat near to the front as most of the popular people liked to sit near the back. I pulled out my iPod, but before I could put in my headphones, I felt a shadow was hovering over me.

   As I looked up I was met with the face of John. He was in my English and History classes and I’m not going to lie; I have the biggest crush on him.

   “Hey, is this seat free?” he asked. I nodded in reply and he sent me a smile before taking a seat right next to me. I was surprised that the seats on the bus must have filled up so quickly and even more surprised that it was John who was the one that had to end up sitting with me.

   I looked towards the front of the bus and was taken aback to look into the mirror and see that there were plenty of free seats, even a few doubles. I was so confused as to why John was sitting next to me if he didn’t have to. Did he want to sit next to me? Surely not.

   I looked up at him and his smile was beautiful.

   “So Carmen, how are you?”

   “M-me?” I asked, surprised that he even really knew my name.

   “No, I was actually talking to the curtain behind you,” he grinned and I couldn’t help but let a smile slip onto my face. “Really though, how are you?”

   “I’m okay. Uh, h-how are you?” I wanted to kick myself for how lame and stuttery I sounded but gosh darn it he was perfect and it was making my heart flutter.

   “I’m awesome! Are you excited for the trip?” I nodded. “Have you ever been skiing before?”

   I shook my head no, “Have you?”

   “Only once with my family, but I was absolutely useless.”

   “I’m sure you weren’t.”

   “Oh no, I was. My parents kept count, I ran into 12 trees.” I couldn’t help but laugh a little, he smiled at this. “And that was only during one session.”

   I don’t know what it was, but there was something about John that was making me feel comfortable. He made me feel at ease. I liked that, even though my heart was still fluttering at nearly everything he said, a warm feeling had made home inside of me.


   We had finally pulled up to the ski lodge and after 3 hours of sitting on the coach with John, I couldn’t stop smiling. I had gotten to know him pretty well and vice versa and now I felt so much more comfortable around him.

   I was in my room catching up with my friends that had been on the other bus whilst unpacking.

   “So, who did you sit next to?” Lynn asked me.

   “Oh, uhm John,” I tried to say like it was nothing.

   Lynn literally threw herself on my bed and landed half in my suitcase, “WHAT?! YOU SAT NEXT TO JOHN?!”

John O'Callaghan - Ski Lodge Romance [Oneshot AU]Where stories live. Discover now