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There once lived a young, peaceful and loveable boy named Josh Minx. He had everything. A great family, great friends and great grades.

This boy in fact, is now sitting in a court. And the judge, is trying to decide the sentence that Josh shall receive for the four murders he had been accused of.

"Seeing as though you are technically still under-age, I cannot yet sentence you to life imprisonment." said the very bored judge, monotonously. He didn't even look up at Josh when he said this, he just kept staring at a book. He'd had his nose in it for just about all of the court case.

"I can however sentence you to ten years imprisonment, or only five years, of imprisonment in a mental institutional hospital." continued the judge, somehow more monotonous than before "the choice I yours."

At this, the judge looked away from his book, for what seemed like the first time, and looked directly at Josh. The Judge's misty blue eyes staring boredly through his old spectacles that lay on the tip of his small pig-like nose.

Josh stared back at him. Terrified and trembling, Josh held the Judge's gaze of boredom for what seemed like hours. Eventually though, Josh spoke.

He muttered something that nobody had heard. Some hadn't even realised he'd made a sound.

"You'll have to speak up boy!" Said the Judge.

Josh spoke a little louder, what he said was still barely audible to most but the judge appeared to have heard what he said.

"That settles it then. As Josh Minx has agreed," said the Judge to his audience "he will be sentenced to five years inprisonment in the mental institutional hospital. Case closed!"

And with that, he slammed down a small wooden hammer on his desk, signalling the end of the court case. He started to pack up papers and like many others, stood up to leave the room.

Josh just sat there. What the hell have I done to my life, he thought. What the hell has she done, is more like it.

Josh's parents came and sat with him. They both hugged him tightly and the three of the silently sobbed until-

"Ok! Time to leave!" Yelled a policeman, he waited holding a door open to the exit of the court room "You two, out through here. Don't worry. Your killer will be in good hands!"

Josh's parents both gave him one last silent squeeze of a hug and left. His mother hesitating at the door. She was crying louder now.

Josh heard her burst into tears after the double closed shut, thanks to the policeman who, in Josh's opinion, was unnessecarily rude.

He locked the doors with a brass key that hung on a chain that ought to have had at least 50 different keys upon it. He strutted over to Josh, whistling and swinging the keys on his index finger as he went.

"Mister Murderer, Sir!" Smiled the Policeman "Follow me, if ya please!"

He walked straight past Josh without stopping, Josh continue to sit in silence. Policeman or not, Josh didn't like his attitude. He was not in the mood for any crap, he was confused, frightened, angry and sad.

"Mister Serial killer and eater, would you mind getting up off that lazy ass of yours?" Grinned the Policeman.

Josh stood up slowly not wanting to cause any more trouble. He'd had enough already. Enough to last anyone for a whole lifetime. He really didn't want any more.

Josh trudged towards the old and splintered wooden door that the Policeman now held open for Josh. Josh felt as if he would have stabbed the man as he walked past. If only he had a knife, he'd need one of those to stab someone. Oh and it may also help if his hands and feet weren't cuffed together and chained.

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