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It's auditioning day! Last week I signed up for the broadcasting club. There were a lot of clubs that caught my interest, but I've always wanted to join the broadcasting club since I always thought of it as a way for me to express myself a lot better. I've gone a long way from being a shy person, but there are a few things I still need to improve on and one of those is in expressing what I feel.

"Are you ready for your audition?" We're currently in class and waiting for our teacher to arrive.

"I'm a bit nervous" I answered Mia.

She holds my hand "You're gonna do great Ave! I just know it" She encourages me and I give her a smile.

"Good morning class" Our teacher arrives and we all take our seats.

"Today we will be having a new student please give him a warm welcome"

Whispers are heard. Classmates discussing who it might be. And just as I thought, it was Jay.

"Please, introduce yourself" Mr. Lee says.

"Hey everyone. My name's Jay and I'm glad to be here" He says while looking at me the entire time and in the end, he gave a wink directed to me.

I just rolled my eyes thinking of how cringy it was.

I can hear whispers of girls saying how attractive Jay is. I'm used to it since I've been hearing comments like these every since we were in elementary.

Jay's height is around 5'11. He has silky black hair and a sharp jawline. He has a tall nose and when he smiles, you just know that it's the brightest one out there. He has a great sense of style, it sometimes makes me a little envious.

So yes, I do see what those squealing girls in our class see in him. But that's just that, nothing else.

After Jay introduced himself, he was told to take a seat and he decided to seat all the way in the back.

"Hey is that Jay? Like the douchebag Jay?" Mia asks in a whisper.

"Yes, that's him. Also, don't call him that" I say back.

"But that's what he is" she says in a serious tone.

"Mia, we're on good terms now so don't do anything crazy, okay?" I try to enlighten her about recent events.

"You forgave him? Are you stupid?" She says rather loudly.

Everyone in class looks at us, including Jay. "Is there something you would like to share with the class Ms. Choi?" Mr. Lee calls out.

"No Mr. Lee. I apologize"

I laughed and Mia nudges me in the shoulder for teasing her. We then started paying attention to class.

It's now recess time. Mia and I are sitting in class and she tells me how she can't accompany me when I audition for the broadcasting club.

I told her that it was okay since I understand that she had to pick up her brother from the daycare considering that her parents are working extra late tonight. I knew I could do well, I just wish Mia could be there to motivate and support me. Sadly she can't.

"I'll go ahead. I'm really sorry Ave."

The last bell rang and signaled us that we're dismissed for the day.

"It's okay Mia. Take care" I pat her on the shoulder. She gave me a hug and said motivational words like "You got this! Break a leg!" as she left.

I was about to go to the broadcasting club to line up for an audition until Jay puts his arm around my shoulder unexpectedly.

"Let's go home together" He then gets my bag and carries it on his other shoulder. What a gentleman.

"I can't. Today is auditioning day" I say back.

"You're auditioning for what?" There's a little distance between us.

"The broadcasting club" I smile waiting for his reaction.

He halts, no longer has his arm around my shoulder, and then gives me the biggest smile.

"You are? I'm so happy you're finally auditioning! You've always wanted to join that club" He says excitedly.

"I know, I know. I'm kinda nervous, I might not get in" I say, not really confident about my audition.

He looks at me for a while and then pulls my chin up. "I'll accompany you."

We walked to the broadcasting club side by side and noticed how there were a number of students in line for the audition.

Looking at them made me anxious. They're all so talented and they could easily get accepted. I could tell by seeing them practice while waiting for their turn. I'm no match.

I was so close to backing out but Jay suddenly cups my face and made me face him, now my eyes on him.

"I know what you're thinking about and no I'm not letting you back out"

He probably saw the nervousness in my eyes.

"You're way better than any of them. Remember that. You got this" He says.

I wanted to cry tears of joy. Having Jay here by my side still feels surreal. It feels like a dream, a good one of course.

We waited in line for a while and later was my turn.

"Ms. Jung, you're up" The student in charge of the audition calls out. I stood up and before I went into the auditioning room I looked back at Jay one last time and said "Wish me luck!" He gives me a smile and mouthed "Good luck".

Lots of love :)
- ims

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