Fred Weasley🧑🏻‍🦰💥

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Where the hell are you!?

Great hall, why?

I've been knocking on your door for the past ten minutes.

I need to pass This stupid potions thing to you.


So just leave it in front of my door.

No way!

I spent hours doing This shit.

What if someone steals it?

Look who's finally caring about his studies!!

Really? You're bringing That up now!?

Couldn't think of a better time.

Just come down to the hall and give it to me. 



Then how do you expect to pass it to me?

Come up and take it.

I'm all the way downstairs idiot.

And I'm all the way upstairs.

Wouldn't it be easier for you to come down to me?


I have something going on up here in five minutes.

You mean you have a girl to tend too?

It's not good to assume you know.

You know everyone knows about your reputation, right?

Oh yeah?

And what might This reputation be?

That you're the boy who has a different girl in his dorm EVERY weekend.

Pretty sure some of them are my friends too.



Are you coming up or not?

You're a pain in the ass, you know That?

So I've been told.

Stop waisting my time.

Where are you?

You think it's easy walking up seven flights of stairs?

It should be.

I'll get back at you for This one day.

I'm sure you will, love.

Save the nicknames for the girls you fuck, Fred.


So she does swear!

Shut up.

What's taking you so long!

I'm walking up.

I haven't got all day y'know?

You annoy me Fredric.

Ditto, 'Babe'


Fred Weasley~ A Texting StoryWhere stories live. Discover now