what blaza wrote in his notebook part 6 (short like very short its a note lol)

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i just woke up in the middle of the night i saw meme sleeping on me his head on my lap arms around my sides i grabbed my notebook and pencil and opened to a new page and started to write a new entry for today (oh and ill be showing the entry when meme saw him writing in his notebook)


                                                                      entry #5 

dear diary tonight i went to explore the ship i made my way into security and saw a table with all the security cams showing new places i have seen before but never went inside them so then i left security and went into reactor and saw two things where there are two big hands on them then a box with six squares (skip sorry to tired to write the rest)

                                                                                         ~ blaza

                                                                       entry #6

dear diary today i was mostly exploring but there was this one place which freaked me out so bad i think it was called eletrical?? idk but it was kinda really dark when i walked in there which i didnt like so i left i gtg diary cause my best friend named fatmemegod is tapping my shoulder.

                                                                       ~ blaza


omg lol long lines of diary entry's its kinda long i know but thanks for reading my lovely bears!!

                                                                                         ~ 221 words

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