Where the Wind Blows and The River Flows

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Imagine being a piece of driftwood being carried and tossed about by the current of a raging river or a leaf blown about by the wind. Imagine having no control over where you land next.This is what life was for 15 year old Annyston McClure. She had been part of the Rockland County foster care system for 10 years. During that time, she had been moved from foster home to foster home, town to town, so many times that she actually lost count.

The red haired, brown eyed girl stood with her backpack on her back and her duffle bag hanging from her shoulder. All of her belongings were stuffed into the two bags. She glanced around the room one last time, making sure, for about the 5th time, that she didn't forget anything. You see, she was being moved to a new foster home, a new foster family, yet again. As she looked around, Annyston wiped away a few stray tears that had spilled over and began to run down her freckled cheeks. Once her inspection was complete and her silent goodbyes, to what had been her bedroom, were said, the small teen turned and exited the room. As she made her slow decent down the stairs, the sound of the doorbell echoed throughout the house. Annyston sighed knowing that the sound was announcing the arrival of Miss Groves her, her foster care case worker.

At the bottom of the steps she smiled sadly. Most of the Parker family were gathered to say their farewells to her and see Annyston off. Mr. Parker was the first to approach her. He hugged the small teen tightly and spoke softly to her.

"Annie, you be a good girl for your new family okay? Please don't take your frustration and disappointment over this situation out on them. It isn't their fault that my company closed down and left me unemployed. And remember, you are strong and brave. You can do anything that you put your mind to. I'll miss you." Mr. Parker told her.

After releasing the hug, both of them had to wipe tears away. Then it was Mrs. Parker's turn. She pulled the girl, who had truly been like her own daughter the past months, into a loving embrace. They hugged in silence for several minutes before Mrs. Parker let go and held Annyston at arms length, smiling sadly at her.

"Now remember, you are smart, beautiful, and special. Don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise! Goodbye my dear Annie. Take care of yourself and don't be afraid to let your new family in, okay?"

Annie nodded and then felt small arms being wrapped around her waist from behind. The hug was followed by the voice of a young boy begging her to stay. This broke Annyston's heart but she mustered up a small smile and turned to look at the little boy. She kneeled down so that she was closer to the same level as him.

"Oh Rutty, I wish I could stay but I can't. I promise to write often and come visit when I can." She told the child.

"You really really promise?" The boy asked with wide eyes.

Annyston placed her pinky around the tiny pinky of the little boy in front of her.

"I, Annyston Fiona McClure, pinky promise you, Rutherford Michael Parker, to write to you often and visit you as much as I can. As you know, the pinky promise is like the unbreakable bond in Harry Potter."

The 5 year old boy giggled and hugged the teen girl one last time before running over to his mom. At that moment, his twin sister, Ruthann came running into the room with her favorite stuffed animal hanging by one paw from her little hand.

"Annie! Wait! I want you to take Sandy with you! Please? I want you to take him with you to remember me by." The tiny girl told her.

Annie smiled, took the bunny, and hugged the little girl. She had to fight to keep back the tears threatening to fall. The Parkers had truly made her feel like family and now she was being taken away from them. Annyston sniffled quietly and then looked at the sweet little girl in front of her.

"I'll miss you Ruthy. I already promised your twin that I will write often and come visit you when I can." Annie told Ruthy.

As she looked around one last time, Cameron, the oldest Parker child, nodded in her direction. Knowing that the 12 year old boy wasn't one for hugs and emotions, Annie went up to him and they did their secret handshake.

With all the farewells finished, it was time to go. Miss Groves helped Annie load her two bags into the back seat of the car and then they both took a seat in the front. Then they were off to her new home. As they drove out of Danversville, Annyston stared out the window wondering where the wind was blowing her next.

She couldn't believe her eyes when they passed the welcome sign for the town she would now be calling home. The sign said...

Welcome to Riverdale...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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