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Lauren and Christina had blasted their way out of the building but were met with the faces of three demons. Energy balls came as soon as the demons saw them. Christina put up a shield and they started to evaporate as they hit it. 'Why are they doing that?' Lauren asked.

'They're not allowed to kill us.' Christina said. 'Not until we've opened the nexus so they're using a lower voltage.'

'Good, I guess.' Lauren said. She saw Christina's shield start to flicker. 'Shit.' Lauren whispered, putting up her own so that Christina could let hers drop.

'Thanks.' Christina panted.

'That blue explosion down there earlier really took it out of you huh?' Lauren said as two more energy balls hit her shield, the demons walking ever closer.

'Yeah, I don't know what that was. I've only been able to send it from my hands before.' Christina admitted.

'Well, we can figure that out when we vanquish these demons.' Lauren looked at her sister. 'Do you have enough left for some attacks if I drop the shield?'

'Yeah, one maybe.' Christina said.

'Wasn't as confident a response as I'd have liked.' Lauren grinned and she saw Christina send one back to her.

'Ready?' Christina asked. Lauren nodded and dropped the shield. Christina sent out a blast and did hit one of the demons who exploded into the air. Lauren did the same, another demon down. But there was one left. He sent an energy ball towards them and Lauren saw it first. She pushed Christina to the ground and landed on top of her as the energy ball exploded in the wall behind them, debris covering them.

'You good?' Lauren asked as they tried to sit up.

'Yeah, thanks.' Christina said. They looked back to the demon and suddenly he stopped. A dark beam shot right through his chest and he exploded. Lauren and Christina looked up and saw the rest of their sisters coming over to them.

'Great timing.' Lauren said as Dani helped her up, Katherine getting to Christina to her feet.

'Are you okay?' Dani asked them.

'Define okay.' Lauren said. 'That bitch took some of my power.'

'We know, we had a run in with it.' Lisa told them. 'Turns out my power and yours don't like to mingle.'

'They just bounced off each other.' Amy replied as she stated work healing them.

'Can you do Christina's back first Aimes.' Lauren asked. Amy nodded and went to the back of Christina.

'Holy shit, what did this?'Amy asked as she started to watch the wound close.

'Energy ball.' Christina said, still holding onto Katherine.

'Erm guys.' Dani said. 'Problem.' She pointed to the direction Helen was coming from.

'Finish healing later, we need to destroy her before she gets to the nexus.' Christina said.

'Well she can't do that without Christina's power, right?' Amy said.

'She could do it if she sucked power from a few of us, not just me.' Christina said.

'So don't die then.' Dani shrugged. 'Easy.' Just as a wave of power came crashing towards them. It sent them all backwards, slamming them into the building. Christina was thankful that Amy had manage to heal the burn on her back at that point.

'Okay, that wasn't fun.' Lisa grimaced, rolling over to face Helen.

'Lise, you said your beam doesn't work on her?' Lauren said.

'Not when she can deflect it with your power.' Lisa confirmed. Dani swung an arm and sent Helen stumbling away.

'A plan would be great guys.' Dani said.

'Laur, we have to just blast her.' Christina said.

'You think that'll work?' Lauren asked.

'We don't have time to flip through the book to find a spell.' Amy said. 'Sounds like our best option.'

'But Chris is nearly wiped out and I couldn't even break through her power dampening cuffs. What if it doesn't work?' Lauren worried.

'It will.' Christina said.

'You seem sure about that.' Katherine said.

'Look, if Lauren can hold her off I think I have an idea that might work.'

'You're going to try and make your power do that thing again.' Lauren realised.

'Yeah, but with more energy. I wasn't trying to do it last time so I think if I can really build up some energy I can will it.' Christina confirmed.

'Hang on, what's happening?' Lisa asked.

'You'll see.' Lauren said. 'Okay, Dan help me. Lisa and Kath you need to make sure nothing gets to Chris when she's powering up.'

'What about me?' Amy asked.

'I could use a little more energy.' Christina said. Amy nodded and took her hand. 'Lauren now.' Lauren nodded and stepped forwards, sending a beam towards Helen. Helen counteracted it with a beam of her own and they were locked. Lisa shielded her eyes as the power brightened.

'I needed a tan.' Dani said as she went invisible and made her way to the other side of Helen before throwing her across the field and into the side of a tree. This gave Lauren time to move into a better position and hit her with another blast. Meanwhile, Amy could feel Christina borrowing some of her energy.

'You're getting warmer Chris.' Amy commented.

'Everything okay back there?' Katherine asked as she took a quick look behind her.

'I can feel it.' Christina said.

'Feel what?' Amy asked. But there wasn't time to explain. Christina's eyes snapped open and they were twinkling. 'Oh my God.' Amy said, widening her own eyes as she looked into her sisters. Christina smiled and stood up, all tiredness gone from her body. She stepped in front of Katherine. Lauren saw and dropped her beam before falling to one knee, breathless. She grinned. Christina sent a wall of energy out from her body. It cascaded across the field like a tidal wave, ready to crash down at any moment. Dani saw it coming right for her and started to panic.

'It's okay Dan!' Lauren called to assure her.

'It doesn't look okay!' She yelled.

'Just stay there.' Lauren said. The wall of blue was heading right for Helen. She sent out a yellow beam but it did nothing and the wall of blue kept going towards her.

'What is that?' Katherine turned to Amy who shrugged. The power finally hit Helen and it immediately disintegrated her. Dani held her hands up in a futile effort to block it and closed her eyes. It passed right through her and then disappeared. Dani opened her eyes and looked around.

'Am I dead?' She called through the silence.

'No you idiot.' Lauren got to her feet and they all made their way over to Christina. She was standing, eyes still sparkling.

'You can let it go now Chris.' Lauren assured her. Christina looked at her and blinked a few times. The colour drained from her eyes and she took a few steps backwards. Then everything went black. 

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