A Bump in the Road

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The pain was never-ending, and you still didn't know what exactly was wrong. It had been a week, and now it was time for your follow-up appointment. If this was an ideal world, you would have felt better, but you only felt worse. You couldn't work, you couldn't cook or clean--frankly, you were going to tell Dr. Romero that you needed to be hospitalized. Something was wrong enough with you that you couldn't function at all.

Despite this, you still wanted to go to the appointment. He seemed so dedicated to healing you, you somehow felt it would be wrong to make the decision without his input. Besides, you were getting to see him for free, and god knows a hospital visit wouldn't be quite as cheap.

On the other side of it all, Romero was ecstatic. It almost hurt how much he wanted to see you. He wished it was easy, he wished he could just say he loved you like a regular person, but such a thing would do nothing but scare you off. It would take longer than that, more work than that.

"Doctor Romero?" A nurse called. "You have a patient here for your 1 pm appointment." Normally he'd be annoyed, but he was certain this was you, so he plastered his polite smile on his face and nodded.

"I'll be right out, thank you. Just let me put away these papers." After doing just that, he raced out the door at a professionally fast walk.

"(y/n)?" He called into the full waiting room. You were sitting apart from most people in a chair by the window. Good, he thought. Sit away from the other pests. At the sound of your name, you looked up from your phone and smiled. Smiled! He loved you. He was sure you were quite ill, but you still made the effort to be polite, which was just one of the many aspects about you that he adored. It was a small thing, but important all the same.

He led you back to a private room and had you sit down and describe your symptoms. He didn't expect that it would get that much worse, but he did his best to withhold regrets.

"I can't even manage to sleep well, despite my inability to do anything else," you laughed nervously, the bags under your eyes seeming more apparent. "I feel nauseated all the time and I get dizzy just standing up. I haven't been to work in a few days, and I... I feel like my best option is to go to the hospital, Dr. Romero."


"Let's hold our horses," he smiled gently while panicking inside. "I think we can treat you more or less the same, and it would be more cost-effective."

You deflated a little bit. He wasn't wrong to say it'd help your wallet, but didn't he agree that you needed a higher level of care?

"I'm just worried that I'm not getting enough help--like maybe I need something residential...?"

Residential? That could work... "Well, I have an idea, but it's a little... Archaic."

"Archaic how?"

"You'd be... staying with me for a while. It'd be just like the care of a hospital, just not in a hospital. I can observe you and keep you in a sterile environment, and it likely wouldn't cost much if anything at all."

Your eyebrows shot up your forehead. "Stay with you? I'm sorry I--I could never impose like that. I'm sure I can handle a medical bill. I really appreciate all that you're offering, but I really couldn't."

Fuck! He cursed inwardly. Free treatment just isn't enough anymore is it?

"If you're certain that is the only route you can take, I suppose I cannot stop you," he smiled gently but his eyes were empty.

"I...am certain," you nodded. You oddly felt guilty and like you should be apologizing--as you often did in situations like these. You hated having to reject someone, even if it's something serious and professional. "I really just came to tell you before I went to see what your input was."

"Well, you have my input, dear (y/n). If you have any more troubles you're more than welcome to come back to me," he responded. His brain was melting--what could he do to secure you if going residential wouldn't work? The only thing he could think of included things just as illegal as poisoning you had been. Could he find a discreet way to make your hospital bill too high? Could he just make the stay unbearable somehow?

Emphasizing the cost to you one last time did nothing to deter you, although he could tell that the financial burden was nothing you were taking lightly.

"Just sleep on the idea for a night and then call me in the morning at least," he asked finally.

Why is he being so insistent on this? You asked yourself but agreed anyway. "Alright, Dr. Romero. I doubt my stance will change, but I'll think about it for tonight," you finished with a tired smile before heading towards the door.

It had been a short visit, the blood test was done quickly and then you were sent on your way. Dr. Romero seemed just as tired as you were as you bid him farewell, and you hoped he had an okay day.

His mind, however, was not half as calm as yours. He was praying to some deity that you'd change your mind. He wasn't sure what he would do if you denied him, but he did know it'd rush things along a lot faster than he'd appreciated. He wanted things to go at the right pace--he wanted you, desperately.

He wouldn't accept anything else. 


hi hi sorry, it's short and so late. I can't promise regular updates, but if you'd like to know I'm working on another long story that I hope to start publishing eventually. All my unfinished stories are on hiatus for the foreseeable future, although id like to return to A Simple Life eventually... I really had plans for that one. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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