chapter 11

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"She was more than human to me. She was a Fairy, a Sylph, I don't know what she was - anything that no one ever saw, and everything that everybody ever wanted. I was swallowed up in an abyss of love in an instant. There was no pausing on the brink; no looking down, or looking back; I was gone, headlong, before I had sense to say a word to her."- by Charles Dickens

"- by Charles Dickens

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#Tristan pov#

She told me to drive to any peaceful place, so i took her to mine favourite one. The lake that i often used to go when i needed time to understand my emotions.

" wao it's beautiful" she said, walking out of car.

" Just like you"

" me?" She turned to looked at me.

" amm nothing, so what's the plan?"

" We'll be selecting some pictures, some beautiful memories of her with you, your parents, her friends and Harry too, then we'll make big cut outs of those picture and place them everywhere on the ceremony day " she told me that all in a breathe, the excitement in her had no limits. She looked like a happy child. I really liked the idea, it was so thoughtful.

" Oh Sia, thank you so much" i hugged her in no time. She had a wild yet sweet fragnance. I was getting used to this girl, and didn't bother much about Sophia now.

" okay, then let's do this" she said, and i freed her little body from my arms.

We sat there, for almost an hour, looking at pictures from Alessa's social account, mine gallery, and asked from Harry too. Then, we selected the best of them. It was a fun task, i really enjoyed it. It was so cute, to see her getting happy in the simplest of the things. Sophia would've never done these things with me. I was comparing these two girls alot, and couldn't stop myself from doing that. I started liking Sia, more than it was needed. And i had that question, still there on the back of my mind " who is sam?" But i didn't ask her that time, i didn't want to ruin the moment, so i saved it for later.

" So Sia, tell me something about you" i asked her, with a lot of curiosity.

" There's nothing intetesting about me" i wished she knew, how fascinating she was. One could've easily spent his whole life with her, without getting the idea of being bored.

" mother died, when i was ten she had cancer. I was very young, so didn't remember much, that is what hurts most, to have no memories with her. After that, I'd spent most of my life with myself only." She broke the silence, and said this looking straight into lake with absent mind.

" Your father?" I asked her, i knew this would be hurting her. But i wanted to know about her, as much as i can.

" He's still in pain, works day and night just to distract himself"

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