Chapter One

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The four of us, our little family, have it pretty well. We have shelter over our heads, food, and warmth. Considering the large number of people that have died over the course of last year, I think that maybe we can survive this. We may not last too much longer but you never know. We could die tomorrow. The scary part is not knowing. Not knowing when you are to perish. Not knowing what tomorrow brings. But some good may come out of this ignorance. In a way I would rather not wake up one morning and know that it is going to be my last day on Earth. I would rather live without knowing what lies ahead of me. "Sky you are staring off into space again" Ari says as she waves her hands in front of my face, trying to get my attention. "Sorry you know how I get when I get to thinking." I say. She just laughs. It is days like these that I am thankful for. Without Ari, Matt, and Emily I doubt I would survive. We are always there for each other. It is always good to have someone watch your back. The four of us walk to the food section of our Sam's Club. Luckily we lived close to this building when the snow really started to get bad. For the first week, everyone thought that we were just having a freak snowstorm but by the end of the month things got worse. My mother and stepfather died during that month. Ari and I went to check on Matt and Emily, when we arrived home we found them on the floor dead. My sweet mother and her husband were as cold as ice. Why weren't we there for them? If we had been would they still be alive? I lost my new dad. I knew him for only 9 years but he was like a second father. I could never forget my real dad but I am glad to have had my stepfather. I wish I could have done something to save them. Ari reminds me that we couldn't have saved them, whenever I start to think about them. She can always sense the change in my mood. I'm glad that she can. Without her I would submit to my emotions and break down. I will carry the guilt for their deaths for the rest of my life. Ari puts her arm around my shoulder to comfort me. I start to calm down, knowing it is best to remain calm. I can't let my emotions take over. I must stay clear minded. I give Ari a small smile of thanks before getting a loaf of bread and some sliced meat. Sandwiches will work for lunch. The snow slowed down a little. It would be best to go out hunting now before the snow gets worse. I eat quickly. "Guys the snow has slowed, so I think I will go out hunting. We need to save our supplies as best as we can. We never know when the snow will get worse. If I am not back within two hours, I am not coming back." I say to the three people whom I care so much about. It has always been know that we may not survive. The world is no longer safe. I am normally out for roughly two hours during my hunting trips. I bundle up with three layers of pants, shirts, and socks. I put on my winter boots. I can't get frostbite. It could be deadly if it gets too bad. I then put on my huge winter jacket and a facemask. I grab my gun and some extra bullets, and then walk towards the door that opens to the vast field of white. Snow used to be a gift but now it is dangerous. Snow can be deadly. I walk quietly through the snow. I hope I can find something not someone. I don't want to turn to cannibalism like some people did. I haven't heard much about how the other people of Earth are doing. Then again, how could I? I laugh silently to myself. Laughter helps. Laughter really is the best medicine. If I don't laugh I might cry and I must stay strong. I need to stay strong for Ari, Matt, and Emily. I walk around through the blanket of snow covering Earth. I remember having snow days and getting out of school. I remember building snowmen and all the snowball fights. I remember all of the laughs. Those days I cherish. I cherish drinking hot chocolate made by my mother, by the fireplace, and my step-dad reading Ari and me a story. Snow days were always my favorite for that exact reason. I felt like I belonged those days. Those days will never happen again. My mother will never make me hot chocolate again. My step-dad will never again read me a story. We will never laugh together again. We will never throw snowballs at each other. We will never build another snowman, making funny faces. I will never see them again. I feel a tear sliding down my face. I have done it now. I let my sorrow consume me. There is no turning back. I let my self cry. I cry for all the good times. I cry for all my most cherishable memories and I cry for the loss of my parents. I have let the feelings build up inside me. I knew that one day I would break down. I didn't think it would be today. I thought I would be stronger. I thought I could last longer. I guess I was wrong. I fall to the ground, the tears consuming me. I know that I must get up and try to find a wandering animal but I can't get up. I am incapable of doing anything but crying at this moment. What am I supposed to do with out them? How can I go on? I miss my family. I miss my mother's sweet smile, her calming nature, and the way she could always make me feel better. I sit in the snow, sobbing, picturing my mother's face. How can she be gone? Why did she deserve to die? I somehow stand up and walk forwards. I try to rein control of my emotions. I hear a noise from beside me. It might be an animal. Then again it may not. I raise my gun into position. A deer walks into my view. I shoot. The deer falls, landing on its side in the snow. I smile slightly. At least my venture out of Sam's Club amounted to something. I walk towards my prize and realize that I might have some trouble pulling it back. I am strong but I have walked a long way. "Hey, would you like some help?" I hear from behind me. I turn around quickly to see two men. One is taller than the other and has great hair. The other is shorter but still taller than I am and looks more rugged. They are both just gorgeous. I might just melt in a puddle at their feet. "Who are you guys?" I ask. It has been a while since I have interacted with anyone other than Ari, Matt or Emily. It is strange to be talking to another human being other than the three in my circle. The taller one speaks first, "My name is Sam Winchester. This is my brother Dean. What is your name?" Should I answer? I guess so. They may be able to help us. "I'm Sky." I say with a slight smile. Dean looks over to me. "Would you like some help carrying your deer?" he asks. "Yes please. I was contemplating how I would get it back when you both appeared." Dean walks towards me. I am not sure why at first but then realize that I am standing beside the dead deer. My heart races. No one has ever had this effect on me. Yet here I stand breathing quickly, and my heart beats faster, all over a complete stranger. How did it get to this? Dean picks up the deer and throws it over his shoulder. I could have never done that. His strength amazes me. "Lead the way" Dean says. "What about Castiel and Crowley?" Sam asks. Dean turns around to look at Sam. "We will call them later. They can find us." He says. With that the three of us walk back towards the only place I have known in the last year. We walk to the place that I call home.

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