The Little Death

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Warning: contains disturbing content and sexual assault


"La petit mort" is French for "the little death" and is a euphemism for orgasm.


Natsu woke up slowly, feeling so exhausted, he could barely think. All the muscles in his body seemed to be in pain all at once. His chest hurt too badly to breathe deeply, and his shoulders felt immensely sore. When he tried to move his arms, he realized they were trapped. Slowly, he opened his eyes and saw handcuffs restraining his hands to a metal-framed headboard.

"What the...?" Then he realized he felt cold and looked down to see himself naked. "Fuck!" he shouted in surprise.

A movement to the side caught his attention. He jolted as he looked over and saw Gray sitting in the corner of the dark room, watching Natsu with amusement.

"You really like to sleep in. It's night already," Gray said sardonically.

Natsu yanked on the handcuffs. "What the... what the hell is this? Why did...? Whoa..." He had tried to make a fire to burn through the cuffs, but just attempting it left him dizzy. "What happened to me?"

"I used a mazer on you," Gray explained.

"A what?"

"It zaps you and sucks away all of a wizard's magic, leaving you weak and helpless for up to twelve hours. Don't tell anyone I have it. It's not really legal in Fiore."

" little cheat," Natsu panted as his head swam with confusion.

"That's right." Gray rose from the chair, completely naked already, and walked over to the bed. "I'm cheating today. I'm punishing you. How dare you let Lucy be your first!"

"Lucy? First?" After a moment of confusion, Natsu smirked. "Is that what this is all about? Me and Lucy? Damn, you really make a bad jealous man, droopy-eyes. If you liked Lucy, you should have said something to her first. Why hesitate? Don't tell me you're a virgin, Gray. I mean, you're a year older than me."

Gray climbed onto the bed and leaned over on top of Natsu. "Didn't you think that maybe I was saving it for someone special?" He roughly grabbed Natsu's soft cock.

"Gray!" Natsu cried out, and his voice cracked at the strain. "Wha-...what the hell? Don't touch me like that. It's sick." He watched in disgust as Gray's cold hands played with his soft cock, trying to entice it. "Seriously, don't fucking touch me!"

"Your virginity should have been mine."

"Lucy wasn't a...wait...whose virginity?" he cried out in confusion that was beginning to border on terror.

Gray's eyes were icy cold. "When you two hooked up, I thought I'd be jealous of you having Lucy. Instead, for some reason, I began to feel the other way. I'm madly jealous of Lucy...because she has you."

Natsu panted in chaotic thoughts. Gray's touches so far had no reaction besides making Natsu feel disgusted, but seeing the turbulent emotions in the ice wizard's face was having a slow affect on him.

"Me?" he whispered airily in disbelief. "Gray, we're...we're both guys."

"I know. There are always stupid rumors about me being gay, first about the two of us, then me and Loke, then that pervert Sugarboy, and Juvia is convinced I'm in love with Lyon. People keep whispering when they think I can't hear, and I've ignored them up to now. It was all stupid. So why...why the hell do I feel like this about you, out of all the bastards in this world? I hate it! I hate being in love with you, and I hate knowing that you'll never have the same feelings toward me."

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