Chapter Three (EDITED)

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{whoop third chapter}
{I fixed the giant plot hole with Maka's injuries ur welcome}

A week later, Eidel and Crona were called up to The Death Room along with Soul and Maka. Lord Death had an assignment for them. They were to go an investigate a series of murders of villagers from a place called Shinganshina. Lord Death suspected it was Kishin, and Soul and Maka were to serve as back up for Eidel and Crona if anything went wrong. It would be their first Kishin soul.

Crona was shaking as he sat behind Eidel on the motorcycle. Soul and Maka were on the one next to them. The Meisters and their weapons were almost to Shinganshina.



"I-I'm sorry if I mess everything up."

"Are you kidding? We're perfect!"

"Okay," Crona held tightly to Eidel and closed his eyes. The motorcycle was loud and bumpy. He didn't know how to deal with it-

"Aaaaand, here we are!" Maka stopped her motorcycle just in front of an old wooden sign that said 'Welcome to Shinganshina' in droopy letters.

The four teens began to explore the town, looking for signs of Kishin. After about an hour of walking in circles, they came across the first villager. He was a tall man, who looked to be in his late 20s. He had shaggy black hair and stubble on his tan face. Shinganshina was sunny and warm. He greeted them and asked them what they were looking for.

"Kishin attacks?" The man's face darkened, "What do kids like you have to do with that?"

"We're from DWMA, actually," Eidel said, stepping in between the man and Crona. He was making her uneasy and she didn't want him anywhere near Crona.

"Oooooh, then I know just where to take you youngsters!"

Maka and Crona looked at each other, trying to decide if it was a good idea to transform their weapons. Soul put his hand on Maka's back and Eidel stood in between the man and Crona.

They continued walking until they left the village and entered very dark woods. By then, Crona was gripping tightly to Eidel's arm and Soul has clenching his fists trying to keep from transforming.

The suspicious man stopped in front of what seemed like an old shed, "Alright, they're here! Come out," he tapped the door.

Suddenly, the door fell with a bang. Three large figures emerged from the shadows....Kishin?

The monsters scraped the use of the shack with long claws and hissed through razor sharp teeth.


"It's their mission. We stay out unless it gets bad."

"Eidelica! Tranform!" Crona grabbed her hand and she became the shining sword. The green leather handle fell into his hands.

The monsters plowed forward, getting closer and closer to the shaking boy.

"Attack, Crona!" Eidel flickered on the side of the blade.



Crona swung the sword out in front of him. It caught the first Kishin in the chest, stabbing into its lungs. The monster collapsed.

They didn't have time to celebrate, as the two others kept coming. They lashed out with razor claws and scratched the handle of the sword, dangerously close the Crona's hand. He whipped it away from the monsters and decapitated the second one.

The third Kishin hissed and drew back its hand. It hit Crona hard in the chest, throwing him into a nearby tree. It clawed its way up to the tree and opened its mouth to kill him.

  Crona suddenly grabbed the white gold blade and ran it through the monster's chest. It fell to the ground and dissolved until just the glowing red soul remained.

Eidel transformed back and consumed the three souls. She turned to him and smiled, offering a hand to help him up.

"Thanks! 96 to go, we got this shit."

He looked back at her. Her long silver hair tied behind her hair and a bit of Kishin blood splattered on the corner of her green shirt. Her dark green eyes sparkled.

Guilt pierced his heart and he grabbed her. He hugged her as tightly as he could. She looked up at the boy.


"I-I'm so sorry!"

"Why? We damn got ourselves our first souls!"

"But- okay," he let go of her and they turned to Maka and Soul.

Maka was out cold with blood dripping from the corner of her mouth. Crona and Eidel rushed to her as Soul picked her up and started to walk to the motorcycles.

"What happened? We have to get back to DWMA!" Eidel yelled, "She's really hurt!"

"No shit, calm yourself, Silver," Soul scowled at his fellow weapon and mounted the motorcycle with Maka held in front of him. "In case you didn't notice, she tried to take care of that asshole from before."


"Yeah, yeah. Let's go."

Crona held tightly to Eidel and held back tears the whole way back to school. He had nearly failed them. Also, he could feel Eidel's fatigue from the three Kishin. If they didn't lay her down soon, she would collapse. He would, too. They had to go faster.

••••••back at school••••••••

Maka, Eidel, and Crona were in the infirmary. Soul went to report to Lord Death.

Mr. Stein banged the door open and slowly started to clap.

"Wha-" Eidel rolled to face the teacher.

"Three Kishin. And you used Witch Hunter."

"Y-yes s-sir. I-I'm very s-sorry sir." Crona shrank away from him.

"No. What I'm saying is that you two are the most powerful pair I've seen since Soul and Maka. You absolutely have to finish training here."

"Yes sir!" Eidel and Crona smiled at each other across the infirmary.

"Now, you go down to your room and rest up. I'm going to give Maka a checkup."

  Crona and Eidel quickly left the room. As soon as they were out, Eidel jumped up and hugged Crona harder than she ever had. He laughed his little whispery laugh and held her up.

"We did it! Three souls!" She let out a happy yell.

"W-we did!" He put her down and smiled at his partner.  Crona suddenly found himself centimeters from Eidel's face. Her lips. Just a bit closer...

The door to the infirmary opened and shattered the moment. Stein looked at them and sighed.

"Go down to your room and lay down or you're going to collapse!"

"Yes sir!"

They walked to to their dungeon room feeling confused and... Disappointed?

{hm what's gonna happen?}

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