Someone Else's

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Inspired by the song: Can I be Him? - James Artur

This is a work of fiction. Space and time have been rearranged to suit the convenience of the book, and with the exception of public figures, any resemblance to persons living or dead is coincidental. The opinions expressed are those of the characters and should not be confused with the author's.


In the world of chaos, I found peace.

Last academic year I have met the most handsome man I knew. Tall, athletic, smart, and funny. Became close because of the school's organization. Shared smiles and laugh together. He became my rant buddy. A person who genuinely shares funny stories out of nowhere and most of all he became my inspiration. I choose to ignore the growing feelings towards him. Manage to virtually talk to him without dying out of "kilig".

I was not really finding for this kind of love but then he came. I was starting to think that he is the man who was sent by God. A man who understands, appreciates, and accepts me. In layman's term – A man who is for me.

I was so eager to tell him my feelings for him. But that eagerness was destroyed by his smile when he talks about his girlfriend. The way his eyes smiled and glow whenever he shares some simple silly things that his girlfriend did.

My peace found his peace so its time for me to get peace with it.

As I write this letter, I swear to ignore my feelings for you but to be here whenever you need me.

The girl who never gets the chance.

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