Sickies (ageplay)

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Harry- 17 headspace-1

Louis- Daddy


Niall- Papa 

Summary: Little Harry is sick and the boys take care of him

*this is not sexual*


"I'll go wake up Harry," Louis told Liam and Niall. They were on tour and they had been on the tour bus for a couple days now and Harry always had trouble sleeping the first few nights. Last night it took them hours to put him to bed because he was tired so he slipped into his headspace which was fine with the boys but it was hard to get little Harry to relax sometimes. 

"It's already almost 10:00. He must've been really tired out," Niall said, looking at the clock on his phone. 

"Well, he was up until midnight last night and he wouldn't go to sleep," Liam said. 

Louis walked to the back of the bus where the bunks were and pulled the curtain to his bunk back, Harry had slept with Louis in his bunk last night because he said he was scared. 

"Hazzybear, time to get up," Louis said gently while running his fingers through his curls. 

"No, Daddy," Harry whined. 

"Yes, baby. I know you want to sleep but if you sleep any longer you won't be able to do anything today," Louis told him.

"No, Daddy," Harry mumbled. 

"Hazza, what's wrong?" Louis asked. They usually didn't have any problems waking the boy up in the morning, sure, Harry wasn't a morning person but who was? 

"I no wanna get up, Daddy," Harry whispered. 

Louis ran his fingers through the boys hair again and bent over to kiss his forehead. When he did, he noticed Harry's head felt quite warm. "Haz, do you feel okay?" Louis asked. 

Harry shook his head no and tears started running down his face. 

"Oh, Haz baby. What's wrong?" Louis cooed. 

"I-I feel i-ill, Daddy," Harry cried. 

"I know baby. Does your tummy hurt?" Louis asked, sitting on the bed and pulling the boy on his lap. 

Before Harry could answer, his stomach answered for him. He cried harder and then gagged before spilling his stomach contents all over both of them. Harry started to cry harder and Louis felt bad for the boy. 

"I-I so-sorry!" Harry sobbed.

"Oh, no, shh, Bug. It's okay, it's not your fault you aren't feeling good." Louis rubbed the boy's back. "Let's get you cleaned up, okay?" Louis was covered in vomit too but his main focus right now was taking care of Harry. 

He picked him up and carried him out to the bathroom. Liam and Niall were sitting at the table and saw them walk out and then saw Harry crying. 

"Oh, what happened?" Liam asked, standing up and walking over to the two boys. 

"Hazza isn't feeling too well this morning. He just got sick so we're going to have a little bath, right, Bubba?" Louis said. Harry nodded through sobs. 

"I'm sorry you don't feel well, Hazzy," Niall cooed. 

Harry rested his head on Louis' shoulder and continued to cry. Liam noticed Louis was covered in what he assumed was Harry's puke so he said, "How about Niall and I give him his bath and you can go change?"

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