1-In the world of My hero academia

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Andros "Thanks I guess"

This man, Drake Andros, is our protagonist.

Around him, People are walking, birds are singing and car are passing.

He searchs in his pant's pockets and find a wallet with a bank card, an identity card, a paper with an address written on it, and a cell phone.

His other hand holds a backpack, in accordance to his wish, in accordance to hid wish, he will enroll as a 7th grade student, in the same school as Izuku and Bakugo.

He was reincarnated in the world of MHA, with some powers:

-He is a dragon, not a human, he can obviously shape-shift (for scriptwriting needs).

-He has space-time power, this one is not a quirk.

-He has a gravity manipulation quirk, which he wished.

-And he has unlimited potential. (For fuck sake)

-----Time skip-----



Teacher "Wait! Wait a little everyone, before all of you get out I have a surprise for you."

The student that where in a hurry to go out stopped imediately at the call of their teacher.

Teacher "Please, welcome your new classmate: Drake Andros."

Andros walk into the classroom when the teacher call for him.

The reaction that he get are varied, but one that he get the most is curriosity.

Teacher "Can you introduce yourself please?"

Andros "*cough*  I'm Drake Andros, I moved here 3 days ago. Uh...              I'm looking forward to being your classmate."


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-----POV Andros-----

I see them, Izuku and Bakugo, he he...

Don't mind me for breaking into the plot. 

I don't want anything more than different reactions from you now that I'm part of the story.

Classmate "You look grumpy"

I broke into a smile, "Nah... I'm just a little tense. Sorry for that" 

I concentrate on the reaction of Bakugo and Izuku, the first just "Tsk" and get out the class without care, the second one is looking at me in curriosity, but he look down right when our gaze cross, probably to not appear rude.

I'm getting questioned by my classmates about many things, like hobby, my parents, cuz' to then I look like a foreigner, and obviously, my quirk.

Andros "About my hobbies... I like fighting, I guess, and reading, mainly manga and novel... I live alone, I don't know my parents, my birthday is the 18th July, somes say that I don't look like it, but I'm 14. And for my quirk, it's draconisation, I can transform my limb and my body into the one of a dragon, it comes with gravity manipulation as well."

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